About Us

WebTopic – Hot Topics Across The Web

Welcome to WebTopic. We are a technology portal covering exciting developments across the world wide web and the digital world. We help users learn new things about web development, graphics designs, social media, software and apps. We post articles on product research, how-tos, reviews and tutorials. The web world is vast and there are never ending tools, utilities and techniques. We spend the time to do the research to find out the best, so you don’t have to.

Who we are?

We are few nerdy engineers, web developers and social media specialists who has lot of passion about technology landscape.

Our Team

Sudipta Gupta

The Founder and Editor

Sudipta Gupta started WebTopic when he could not find proper answers to many tech-related questions. Although there are many tech websites, still a lot of tech topics needed easy explanations. He is graduated with a MCA (Master’s in Computer Applications) and have 23+ years of experience in various software and web technologies, he decided to start writing about tech topics in a simplified manner so that everyone can benefit from them.

Other Contributors

Content Writer – George Debbarma

Content Writer – Priyam Lohan

Content Writer – Roxana Acosta Sosa

Web Designer/ Writer – Winnie Muriuki

Freelance Writer – Amatullah Saifee

WordPress Expert/Writer – Pooja Sahal

Our Mission

To bring expert knowledge and helpful technical and design resources to the community.

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