Graphic Design,Web & Graphics

20 Photoshop Add-Ons You Should Take Note Of


Photoshop is practically unrivalled, but despite that, there are many things a category of people wishes that it can do – the category being ‘web designers’.

But thankfully, Photoshop has an amazing community of third-party developers, who churns out astounding add-ons (plugins, extensions, and such) regularly with all kinds of features and functions.

We have brought to you a list of such amazing add-ons for Photoshop, that will make you wish that you had heard of them sooner.

Super Spray

Super Spray Photoshop Add-Ons

If you feel that patterns are all boring or worse, you even have to create your own, why not opt for ‘Super Spray’ – with this add-on, you can convert any of your PNG images into a spray pattern.

And what you need to do is only import the picture with the add-on.


Portraiture Photoshop Add-Ons

If you are a photographer, then, you are going to need this add-on. Named ‘Portraiture, this add-on can help you in smoothening out any imperfections of a photo (usually, portraits).

Even though it’s priced at $200, this is one add-on that you won’t mind shelling out for. If you are a portrait photographer, that is.

Transform Each

Transform Each Photoshop Add-Ons

Want to transform multiple layers at once? Opt for this add-on, it will allow you to do just that plus you should know that all of the items will be independent of the rest.

This add-on is a must for resizing a group of objects without having to mess up their positions.

Font Awesome

Font Awesome Photoshop Add-Ons

Want to have an entire army of fonts at your disposal?

We suggest this add-on ‘Font Awesome’ – dubbed as one of the most popular icon fonts in the graphic design industry, this add-on will bring many amazing icons into Photoshop panel.

Oh, and don’t worry – the panel is also quite easy to access.

Screen Snap

Screen Snap Photoshop Add-Ons

Did you know that you can get high-resolution screenshots of your full screen? Or even selected areas in a snap?

Now, you can do so with this add-on. All you need to do is to choose where to save, how to save it and take the screenshot.


Photoshop Add-Ons

The Photoshop add-on named ‘Renamy’ can allow you to rename multiple layers at the same time, use find and replace in naming layers, live name filtering and autocompleting from a list of used names.

If you want a tool that can change name easily and editing, then, this is it.

Web Zap

Web Zap Photoshop Add-Ons

Do you find half of your time wasted on creating design mockups and wireframes?

Go for this add-on – with this add-on, you can create a beautiful prototype of an entire web page in no time at all, as this add-on comes packed with UI staples (such as buttons, sliders, comment boxes, icons, to name a few) in numerous styles and colours.


Photoshop Add-Ons

Want to know the measurements of every layer of Photoshop at an instant?

Get this add-on – named ‘SpecKing’, this add-on can give you the exact measurements of each layer with one click. That being said, if you have multiple objects on a flat layer, you can use the selection tool to measure the layers.

SVG Export

Dubbed as one of the best in the field. This add-on will allow you to quickly export any vector shapes to SVG files. All you need to do is to simply target a single layer or any group of layers, hit a button, and you are all set.


Want to include information about important details?

Opt for this tool – named simply as ‘ink’, this add-on will let you add you important information about details such as layer styles, text formatting, and layer measurements.


With this add-on ‘CSS Hat’, it will give you CSS code of your Photoshop layers and is dubbed as one of the robust Photoshop add-ons in this category to date.


Dealing with guides has been a headache for many Photoshop users, but with this add-on, it can give you relief.

This add-on will help you to lay down a complex guide arrangement in Photoshop with ease, and the best part is that it’s free!

Subtle Patterns

On the hunt for a free source for background patterns?

Then, maybe, you haven’t heard of ‘Subtle Patterns’ yet. It’s considered to be one of the best resources for getting simple background patterns. This add-on will help you with a lot on avoiding making trips to various websites, plus the library is always getting updated constantly.

Size Marks

Want to place measurement information onto your PSDs quickly?

Take the help of this add-on. To use this add-on, all you need to do is to draw a box with the Marquee tool and then, hit a keyboard shortcut, and that’s it.


Want to bring image exporting features to Photoshop?

Go for this add-on – named ‘PNG Hat’, this add-on is home to various liked features such as image compression and the ability to generate CSS, HTML.

What’s more – Objective C can be embedded into your images no matter what project you are working on.

iOS Hat

If you are an iOS developer, then, you are going to find this Photoshop add-on quite handy. With this add-on, you will be able to transform Photoshop layers into Objective-C or Swift code.

PSD Cleaner

Instead of having to go through layers and layers, and grimacing through the process. How about taking the help of this Photoshop add-on?

Named ‘PSD Cleaner’, this Photoshop add-on will group all of your layers for you, plus it will also alert you to problems, should any arise and gives you a simple solution, instead of you having to go through all the layers.

Random User

If you are a UI designer, then, you might have needed extra sample avatars for your comps.

Enter the Photoshop add-on – ‘Random User’ – with this add-on. You will be able to get as many sample placeholder avatars in only a few clicks.

Layer Craft

Want to have additional features when it comes to preparing and exporting images?

Look no further than the add-on ‘LayerCraft’. It will give you many more additional features such as scaling, trimming, and many much more.

Font Hero

If you have a lot of fonts, then, the interface of Photoshop can become quite a mess. Take the help of the add-on ‘Font Hero’.

This add-on will help to search, preview, and even organize fonts and that too, right inside of Photoshop.

So, you see, there a whole lot of Photoshop add-ons that you can use to make your workflow easier. All you need to do is to take a good look at what the Photoshop add-on does, and if it suits your needs, you are encouraged to go for it!!

Sudipta Gupta

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