Blogging,Web Design,Web Tools

24 Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

24 Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

Blogging has been playing a critical role in providing information to people in a textual format. To some, it is a learning and information-gaining platform. At the same time, a fewer section of the people uses it as a revenue-generating source. 

Every year thousands of people become a blogger and start earning by publishing content on their websites. Not all out of them become successful bloggers. They struggle and work hard but fail, whereas some people act smartly, avoid mistakes, use simple tricks and start earning from them. 

If you are a blogger and unable to become successful, then I am sure that you are making certain mistakes, and you must avoid them to be a successful blogger. In this article, I’ve listed 23 deadly Amateur Blogger mistakes you should avoid.

 In this article

1. Choosing a wrong Domain Name for your blog:

Choosing the wrong domain name is one of the mistakes a blogger commit. Domain Name is the identity of your blog. Easy to type Domain names are considered the best. Almost everyone does not like to type or read out complicated and long domain names. 

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid
Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

To assume, I can assure you that almost 70% of the new bloggers make mistakes while picking up a domain name. If you choose a domain name based on your liking but not related to your content, your audience will get confused with your blog.

Suppose, let’s say, your blog is about technology and gadgets based, but if you choose a domain name related to health, it will not work.

Important points to keep in mind while selecting your domain name for your blog:

I. Check the availability of the domain name:

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

You may think about a good domain name, but most of the time you may not get the same domain name in a popular extension like .COM or .NET. But there are many more extensions (TLDs) available nowadays. So be creative while picking up a domain name for your blog.

II. Make it short and easy to write: 

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

Always try to select a short and memorable domain name and avoid a difficult one that nobody can remember. Although you may get most of the traffic from organic search, still always better to pick a name that people can remember easily.

III. Choose a domain name related to your niche:

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

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If your website is about tech, you should pick a domain name related to tech. Never choose an irrelevant domain.

You can check the domain names on 

2. Using a bad Hosting company and plan:

New bloggers often make a mistake while selecting an unsuitable hosting service. 

Hosting companies let you create a blog and are accessible online. Without a hosting provider, your blog won’t be visible to the audience worldwide. And your blog’s content will not be available to all the world.

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

Many hosting companies are top-of-the-line on the market today. The best of that can be found in Hostinger, Bluehost, HostGator, etc. but make sure to be cautious about which one you select.

Many hosting companies do not offer the same quality, features, or cost-effective hosting plans.

When you’re looking for the perfect web hosting company to run the blog, then you must be aware of some of the aspects, such as

  • Speed
  • Features
  • Security
  • Support
  • Record of track

Many new and even experienced bloggers failed to follow the factors mentioned above while selecting a hosting provider. And later on, their websites couldn’t compete with their competitors. It’s a common mistake committed by new bloggers.

Select your hosting from these popular hosting providers: 

3. Choosing the wrong Website Builder:

New bloggers often make a mistake when choosing their Website Builder. If you are attracted by YouTube videos that suggest you select a non-WordPress website builder, you are trapped. The YouTubers are paid for making such videos. They got sponsorships from such companies. 

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

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Website Builders such as Wix, Weebly, and Squarespace spent a lot in promoting their products. They offer YouTubers a handsome amount to speak out the good part about their product and try to hide the negative points. 

If their dirty tricks convince you, you’ll face lots of issues while building your website. And this is going to be a deadly mistake of a blogger.

Expert bloggers always suggest you go with WordPress. It is the best Website builder available in the market. It has got around 455 million active users, and you can assume how best is WordPress.

WordPress is free to use, and it will cost you no money to start with it. 

All you need to have is a Domain and hosting to run the website.

You can keep an eye on your website stats, monitor your website dashboard, and customize themes and pages. And you’ll be able to post your articles and content effortlessly.

Start Your Website with WordPress today.

4. Choosing the wrong WordPress Theme:

After reading the first mistake, let’s say you select WordPress to begin the blog. However, there are some blogging mistakes that many brand-new bloggers make in the beginning when they launch their WordPress blogs.

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

If you go into the theme section in the dashboard of your WordPress website, it will display several free WordPress themes. You will have countless options to choose from them. 

Also, you can purchase paid themes that are better than the free ones. But if you are new to the blogging field, I do not recommend you go for the paid themes. Free themes aren’t bad.

The theme design is also one of the excellent factors to attract your viewers. If you do not have the best theme design, your viewers will have a wrong impression of your website.

Themes are an essential element of your website. Choosing the best theme will increase the SEO ranking of your website. 

Some WordPress themes have minimal features, and they might not benefit you. It may have compatibility issues, or it might not work correctly on some devices. Moreover, it would be best to choose those themes that are hard to personalize your blog. 

If you choose the wrong theme, you’ll be unable to customize your website as per your expectations, and it will affect the ranking of your blog in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERP).

5. Picking the Non-Profitable and Low Traffic niche:

Selecting a niche for your web site website is vital in the present. If you choose the wrong topic can result in things becoming difficult for you later on shortly.

Choosing the wrong niche is among the blogging mistake. As a new blogger steps into the blogging field, the most significant mistake he makes is selecting the wrong niche without conducting any searches.

Therefore, I believe this is the main reason behind the failure of a Blogger who is New. I want to suggest that the new bloggers choose a niche for which they’ve gained some experience and share their knowledge.

If you wish to earn a massive amount through blogging, you must write for a Profitable niche. Multiple niches have a high CPC (cost per click), but many new bloggers are unaware of it, and the hard work of writing articles goes in vain. 

There are several niches with high CPC such as Finance, Tech, and gadgets, Health & fitness, Software, Food, Beauty, etc.

Niche Choosing tips: 

  • Choose a niche in which you have an interest, and it should also have a high CPC.
  • If you have experience with something, then you can choose that particular niche. Suppose you love riding bikes and driving cars, then you can start an automobile niche.
  • Check the monthly traffic (visitors) of the niche you are planning to choose. Higher traffic will help you to generate higher revenue from blogging.

6. Writing on the topics that readers are not interested in:

Knowing your potential audience (and how to find your ideal audience) will not be the most straightforward process.

It takes time and effort to discover what readers want. However, it is helpful to start with some ideas to develop Blogspot post concepts and formats for content that are likely to be successful within your niche.

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

My advice for creating subjects is to consider what could be beneficial to the people you want to reach.

What is the issue your blog is helping them solve? What kind of information do you provide to them that is useful?

If your main reason for starting your blog is to entertain your readers, what kinds of stories and tales would you like to read?

Writing content is a complex process of coordinating what you’re planning to write about to the requirements of your readers. That’s why choosing the wrong topic is among the most common mistakes bloggers make.

7. Writing an article without an outline:

The process of writing an outline might make you feel as if you’re back in high school yet again, but I assure you that it’s a crucial part of the writing process.

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

An outline helps you keep your writing on the right track. It provides an enlightened direction and gets rid of ideas that distract you from the main point.

8. Not maintaining Consistency

The frequency of your writing is often dependent on how much time you can take out of your day.

Some writers write just every month on their blog, while others write multiple times per week (some even write every day).

Writing an article and publishing it regularly with constant timing will help your blog to gain attention. Your viewers will be loyal to you, and they will always expect something new from you. 

If you can maintain the Consistency of publishing one article a day, your subscribed readers will always wait for you to read new content every day.

You might be able to dedicate your blog to just once each week or every couple of weeks.

No matter how often or just occasionally, it is still necessary to take the time to create new content consistently. It is possible to make blogging a type of income that is passive, but this doesn’t mean you’ll be able to post a few blog articles every year and then suddenly reach an audience of many.

9. Writing article without Keyword Research:

Writing an article without doing proper Keyword Research is almost difficult for you to rank the writing on the Search Engine Result Pages (SERP). 

Writing an article without Keyword Research is one of the biggest mistakes a blogger makes. Knowing the keyword is very much essential to writing an influential article. 

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

The main aim of the blogger is to rank its blog contents on the search engine result. And once your article gets ranked, you will get tons of traffic in the article. If you got high traffic, you would be able to generate lots of revenue. Ensure that the keyword has a high CPC (cost per click); a higher CPC means higher earning.

But, if you do not research the keyword you are going to write, you won’t be able to fetch the crucial data and statistics of the keyword.

Benefits of doing Keyword Research:

  • Overall monthly visitors of the keyword (total numbers of monthly traffic).
  • You will get the amount of the CPC of the Keyword.
  • It will display you the exact Keyword difficulty.
  • You can get the data of the competitor’s article that is already ranked on the search engine result on that particular keyword.
  • Doing Keyword research will give you the information on the competitor’s backlinks.
  • Also, you can check the details of the keyword country-wise.

You can use these below two tools to do effective Keyword Research.

10. Not doing Proper SEO of your article

SEO or Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an essential method of generating visitors to your blog. 

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

If you are not aware of SEO and do not use proper search engine optimization algorithms, you will not get an effective result.

Most new bloggers start their blogs and publish their content without optimizing it. It results in fewer visitors, and low income, and you won’t be able to rank your article on the Search Engine.

Some of the most crucial SEO best practices are:

  • Conducting innovative Keyword research before you write, as I have discussed earlier in this article.
  • Understanding the intent of the user behind a search query.
  • Create SEO-friendly blogs with headlines that entice readers.
  • Utilizing external and internal links in your content
  • Writing a compelling meta description
  • Optimizing your page URL

You can use the Yoast SEO plugin as an SEO tool.

11. Ignoring Social Media Promotion:

If you’re able to create a compelling web presence (on an account that your targeted users spend time on), it will increase the chances of getting natural traffic for your website. 

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

People spend a significant amount of time on social networks, and it’s a method of increasing the interest in your blog.

Social media also allows users to quickly contact you, leave comments on your posts, and even send messages to you.

It’s completely free, which means you don’t have to shell out for this chance to interact with your readers. Adopting a proactive approach could result in some great conversations.

12. Ignoring the importance of building a network:

Networking is among the most beneficial decisions I’ve made to ensure long-term success on my site.

Through the podcast and blog, you have the chance to collaborate with many of the most fascinating and influential bloggers and the side hustle industry. 

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

It will enhance your content, increase your readership, and provide you with the opportunity to meet people who are interested in what you’re creating. The decision not to start this process immediately is a one-time blog mistake that you cannot afford to make.

If you’re thinking of ways to build a network for your blog, here are some effective ways to connect with your audience and build a network.

  • Present at conferences or at occasions that relate to your area of expertise. There are many ways to interact with people online; however, don’t forget to meet individuals in person. Participating in a conference is an excellent way to meet people interested in the same field as you. Even if you’re not invited to speak at a conference or event, make time to get out and meet people who share your interests.
  • Connect with people from your local community: Bloggers are naturally inclined to communicate with individuals on the internet. It is essential; however, it’s not a bad idea to engage in face-to-face conversations also. If there’s something you’re keen on, you should try to meet individuals in your local area or city interested in the same topics. There could be many people who share the same passions you are passionate about, and this can be an excellent way to make new connections.
  • Connecting your audience through social media: Based on your area of expertise, you will connect with people interested in your work by using social media. Explore Facebook groups, search hashtags on Instagram, and begin conversations with similar people on Twitter. Also, consider giving LinkedIn a chance depending on your specific niche. Platform.
  • Create Online communities that focus on niches: It is typically more open to self-promotion than social media organizations. Some examples of online communities include GrowHackers as well as the Business2Community. These communities offer you the opportunity to meet others who are interested in growing both in marketing and business. If you’re looking to discover something that fits your needs look up your specific niche and social media.
  • Consider guest posting: Another option to build relationships is guest blogging. You can make blog posts for blogs of other bloggers, and naturally, it will create backlinks for your blog through the process. It is a great way to reach audiences that share the same interests of stuff.

13. Forgetting to track your progress:

The new bloggers might not appreciate the importance of keeping track of their progress from the very beginning.

It might not seem necessary when you have 12 people (including your mom) visiting your site, but keeping the data will be essential in the future.

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

At first, you’ll be unable to know what’s and isn’t performing on your blog if it’s not keeping an eye on all the information currently. There could be one post that receives lots of visitors, but you’ll not be able to tell the source without tracking tools. 

That is why not using the correct tools for tracking is a significant blogger mistake that you don’t have a reason to make.

There are many tools you can use to track your progress:

  • Google Analytics: The Google Analytics analysis service is entirely accessible for free and for anyone to utilize. It records a wealth of information regarding your blog, including traffic to the website from where it came from, which websites they are visiting, the length of time they stayed on each page, and so on.
  • MonsterInsights: MonsterInsights is a plugin for WordPress which works in conjunction with Google Analytics. It’s a great plugin as you can monitor your data entirely from the WordPress platform. There’s a no-cost and premium version for this.
  • SERP Robot: SERP Robot is a handy tool that can track the Google rankings of your blog’s posts based on keywords. Also, you can enter your blog’s URL and then add a keyword you’d like to be ranked. SERP Robot will inform you of how your blog’s posts rank for the keyword.

14. Not Responding to Your Readers:

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

What makes responding to readers important? Here are some reasons why responding to emails and comments helps your blog:

  • In addition to an attentive bloggers’ outreach, it is also one of the most effective methods of building relationships between your readers and you. It creates connections. Suppose you make an effort to reach out to your audience who are not feeling appreciated. They’re willing to sacrifice their time to read your site, and it’s an excellent way for them to know you understand that.
  • It encourages users to post comments more frequently. If they know that they can contact you with questions that will be given a response, they will likely spend time posting comments and interacting with your content, and then sharing it with anyone they already know.
  • Reading through comments in a separate way will help you understand more about your readers. It allows you to think about what your readers are looking for (and want) on your site. Through their comments and the conversations, they contribute to, you’ll begin figuring out the pressing problems that your readers are facing.

What are some things that people inquire about frequently? You can answer those questions by writing an extensive blog article.

If you don’t have content that meets your customers’ needs, then you are aware of what you must include in your content calendar.

15. Publishing non-Convertible content:

Suppose your blog is based on promoting products and generating sales. If you are an Affiliate Marketer and want your readers to purchase the products; you must be aware of writing convertible content.

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

But new bloggers often write and publish regular articles, which do not generate any clicks and sales. You must understand your audience and try to find out what types of products your readers need.

Do not promote those products that are not related to your niche. Let’s say your place is about Books and e-books, but if you promote health and fitness products, your hard work will be wasted.

You must write such content that attracts your audience in the first impression itself. Using attractive graphics and animations will increase the chance of getting a conversion.

16. Not using a Professional looking Logo for your blog:

If you’ve got great content, SEO, and a lot of traffic, but you don’t have a standard logo, it’s a little odd. 

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

It’s a big mistake by a blogger. The logo indicates your brand Name and an Icon. However, missing it can mean you lose a lot of readers. 40% of readers stick around to read your articles because of your good-looking and attractive logo. 

Having an unprofessional logo will make your readers think that the website does not have good quality content. For instance, we go shopping and often purchase from those stores that have a professional outlet and logo of the store. 

17. Not using proper fonts in the article:

If you think you have tons of information to read, many people visit your blog via an internet search engine. 

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

If your blog’s posts aren’t readable, how can you imagine that they’ll stay on your blog and come to return! If you would like readers to return time and time to browse your blog posts, you need to modify your fonts to be easy to read and compatible with the web. You can try using Google fonts.

18. Using a copy content in your blog:

Using copy content is not a new thing. Both new and experienced bloggers make this mistake.

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

Everybody does it by copying others’ content on their blog and then posting it to their blog. It will not benefit you by even one percent. If you’re continuing to do this, then stop doing it from today.

Since whenever you publish your content, google indexes the content. Then it determines how much quality is on your website. Your content should be original and valuable. If it is helpful and unique, then Google will give a high ranking to your site.

However, if the content you post is copied because Google knows and is it is not an excellent rank, but your website is penalized, it means whatever good you’ve done to your website before. It’s getting a high ranking. Also, it decreases. Therefore, you should not duplicate content from others.

19. Building lots of backlinks at the beginning:

If you think that building lots of backlinks will rank your blog higher, you are making a big mistake.

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

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When you have published your first article on this subject immediately, you create backlinks to your website. Perhaps you believe that this will improve the rank of your website and boost its visibility.

Backlinks are essential; however, your primary attention should be focused on your content instead of Backlinks. You will be attempting to create good-quality content in the first couple of months and then build backlinks.

However, do you not create hundreds of backlinks as a train.

Please do not do it in any way. If you are not a good fit to be a threat to Google, you may be punished for violating its rules.

Therefore, try to publish a minimum of 50 quality content blog posts and then build links.

The quality of your backlinks is essential. And it would help if you always created high-quality backlinks.

20. Ignoring brand building:

When you blog, don’t simply think that you need to focus on blogging and absolutely nothing other than that.

A lot of people who are not professional bloggers consider blogging with a narrow view. However, blogging isn’t tiny. You need to create your brand.

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

This way, you can build your business. There are many advantages to branding.

According to Forbes branding, building a brand is the essential factor for success in any business in the future.

People always trust a brand that has a good brand value. Once you build your brand, you will get recognition, and you can boost your blogging journey. 

21. Overthinking about making money:

The majority of people who are new to blogging believe that blogging will earn them lots of cash. Then they begin blogging after seeing the profits of other bloggers.

There’s no negative aspect to it. If you’re thinking that you’re doing this solely for the money, you are making a mistake.

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

Your primary focus should be on working for the quality of your blog.

If you’ve completed your job well, your earnings are sure to be in your hand.

Don’t overthink that blogging will begin and that money will soon start to come in. Don’t be influenced by that.

To earn money, you must work hard, and a lot of intelligent work must be put into it.

Therefore, if you continue to think this way, you will gain from it. You will also begin making good money.

22. Not planning what to do next in your blog:

If you are looking to become an influential blogger or succeed in any other field, you must organize your time and create a to-do list of the day, month, or year.

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

If you’re writing an article now, you should be aware of your next assignment thoroughly.

Anyone who is a successful person is aware of their job schedule and what was next for him to accomplish.

You can make use of specific applications to organize your timetable correctly. There are many applications available on the internet.

23. Not investing in online blogging tools:

If you’re looking to begin your blogging business, but at the same time, if you are scared to invest in paid tools for blogging, then you will fail in doing so.

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

If you choose to take blogging as a business, you will need to invest. For this, you will also need to budget. It’s not possible to start a blog without spending money.

It is possible, but only it is best to consider blogging a profitable business or make blogging an integral part of your lifestyle.

Therefore, you must put money into a few essential things to be able to blog. As long as you have good hosting and a top-level domain,

themes, plugins tools, and you should utilize them the entire time.

By doing this, you will be able to increase your blogging success to the next stage.

Popular blogging tools include:

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid
Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid
Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid
Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid
Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid
Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

24. Spending money on inorganic traffic for your blog:

It is not mandatory to spend money to drive traffic to your blog. Lots of new bloggers are influenced by the concept that driving inorganic paid traffic will make you profit. 

Deadly Amateur Bloggers Mistake You Should Avoid

It’s a big mistake by a blogger. I would never recommend you to go for paid ads and drive traffic. Organic traffic is more potent than inorganic ones. 

In the beginning, you should only focus on the quality building of your blog website. Publish content regularly, maintain it, and you will start getting traffic someday.

Although driving organic traffic takes time, it will be beneficial for you in the future. 


It is not only you making mistakes while blogging. It’s a common mistake and made by almost every blogger. But keep one thing in your mind, you should learn from your mistakes and improve yourself better.

Do not repeat the same error. Take feedback from your audience, and you might get negative feedback but turn this and feed-forward

The motif of this article is to help you to avoid blogging mistakes. If you are already in this field, you still have time to correct yourself.

Whereas if you have not started yet but planning to start, then please avoid such mistakes mentioned in this article.

Sudipta Gupta

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