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50 Best Photoshop Tutorial You Must Check Out


Learning to handle Photoshop thanks to the tutorials offered both in videos and in blogs, have a great advantage over the manuals: they allow you to enjoy private classes in which experts from the program show how to apply their techniques while explaining them to you. We have selected the 50 best Photoshop tutorials you must check out and are suitable for all levels.

50 Best Photoshop Tutorial You Must Check Out

 In this article

1.- Get Started with Photoshop

The Adobe program is so extensive that it is convenient to go step by step to learn more about some of the basic concepts and tools for handling it.

In this tutorial, you will learn the basics so that you become familiar with the tools, with the different menus locations, and have an initial view of what each thing is for.

2.- Learn To Use The Brush

In Photoshop, nothing is what it seems and something as simple as a brush can become a powerful tool in the right hands.

For this reason, in our selection of the best tutorials, we want to recommend the following video about the use of one of the most basic tools in Photoshop: the brush.

3.- Improve your Photos Quality

Photo editing is one of the strengths of this tool. With this program, you will be able to improve the quality of your photos by altering the lighting, color, and sharpness values that you were not able to achieve in the original photo.

This tutorial shows how to edit a photo and go from having flat colors, to achieving a photo with vivid and vibrant colors that substantially improve its final quality.

4.- Create Animation from Multiple Images

Photoshop is not only a program to edit images, you can also create some animations from them. In this simple tutorial, you can learn in a matter of minutes how to animate your images.

Although it is not the right tool for this type of technique, you can immediately see the possibilities it has.

5.- Photoshop Tricks for your Photos

Those who are professional digital photographers often use Photoshop to apply filters and effects to photos to achieve professional results.

In this tutorial, you can learn how to soften the skin in a portrait, something that will be very useful to apply in selfies before uploading it to social media, as the most influential Instagrammers do.

6.- Change the Lighting of your Photos

This is another of the basic technics to get a photo with more light. Luckily, Photoshop allows you to have this effect in simple steps.

7.- Photomontages are Not Limited to Cut and Paste

If Photoshop has become famous for something, it is for its ability to modify reality by creating incredibly realistic photomontages.

One of the most typical actions in any photomontage consists of integrating the photo of a person, animal, or object in a new background scene. Let’s see the tutorial.

8.- The Most Creative Photomontages

Following in the same vein as photomontages, our next recommendation is a tutorial that is about a portrait that mixes the sinuous shapes of the ink when it falls into the water.

9.- Your Photos will be The Envy of Museums

With Photoshop you can turn your photos and portraits into authentic oil paintings. You do not believe it? Maybe our next tutorial will convince you of it.

10.- Successfully Mix Two Realities

One of the virtues of this editing program is that it allows you to modify the images so that two photos were taken in totally different circumstances and environments fit into a new image with the precision of a Swiss watch.

With this interesting tutorial, you can literally swim through the asphalt.

11.- How to Restore Old Photos

Unfortunately, the photos also can get damaged with the time passage. With this video tutorial, you will learn how to restore those old photos of your loved ones.

12.- Change Eyes Color

The first thing we see in a photo -and with more reason, if it is a close-up- are the eyes. Many professionals use Photoshop to change the eye’s color or to enhance the natural glow.

With the following tutorial, you can apply a simple technique that will help you change the eye color in your photos.

13.- Get Rid of Bloodshot Red Eyes

It may happen that in your photos you have bloodshot red eyes due to an infection or because perhaps you did not sleep well. In this way, in the photos, you can see your red eyes with marked veins.

With Photoshop you can remove this ocular detail by following the next tutorial.

14.- Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is not exclusive to dental clinics. You can also whiten many times as some people have teeth that may turn yellow if they are smokers or coffee drinkers. The solution is to use Photoshop to have a great smile.

15.- Those Horrible Pimples…

Few people like to get pimples in photos but Photoshop allows you to eliminate acne and other blemishes in a very precise way, the “magic” is done by the brush.

If you don’t know how to do it, don’t worry, here’s a tutorial you can follow for beginners.

16.- Remove Facial Hair

Is it possible to remove facial hair? Yes, precisely the Photoshop tutorial that we show you next, shows a fairly sophisticated but easy-to-apply technique that allows you to eliminate the presence of facial hair and look natural, i. e., without showing too much that it is a photographic trick.

17.- Aging Someone with Photoshop

It is not the most popular effect you can get, but in case you want to do it, this tutorial teaches you how to age your skin so that someone in one of your photos looks older.

18.- Add Beard and Facial Hair

With the following Photoshop tutorial, you will observe the working process of how to neatly add a beard to a man’s face.

Do not miss any details of how to do this tutorial and then do your version of the exercise until you perfect the technique in Photoshop, which does not have a high level of complexity.

19.- Airbrush Effect for Skin

Photoshop’s airbrush tool can be used to enhance the appearance of skin in a dramatic way. In fact, with this tutorial, you will see that your photos will resemble those that you can find in magazines and professional photographers.

20.- Virtual Makeup with Photoshop

With this tutorial, you will learn how to apply makeup effects to people in your photos who were not originally makeup. A good trick.

21.- Create a Gothic Makeup

In this tutorial, you can learn how to apply gothic-style digital makeup effects without showing that it has been created in this way. It’s a great way to get out of the ordinary and experience a new neat look.

22.- Change your Skin Color

Here you can see how to change the skin color by modifying the tone. Ideal if you want to achieve darker or whiter skin or modify yellowish tones, etc.

23.- Add Realistic Tattoos

The ability to use layers is one of the biggest benefits of Photoshop. One of its infinite uses is to be able to apply any image as if it were a tattoo, and that it emerges in such a way with the skin that it is completely realistic.

24.- Remove Tattoos – (Photoshop Tutorial)

Tattoos have millions of followers around the world. Some get tattooed for aesthetics and those who do it always have an element of special symbolism visible to everyone engraved on their skin. But, on some occasions, it is necessary to hide that tattoo, as in fashion photographs.

Removing a tattoo can be a very simple task, in which a few seconds are invested, or very complicated. It all depends on the type of tattoo and where it is located. Let’s watch the following tutorial.

25.- Change your Hair Color – (Photoshop Tutorial)

Photoshop has infinite options to retouch our photos, to experiment and play with them in a thousand different ways. Something very simple and attractive that we can achieve is to change the color of the hair, from simply improving the tint of our model to changing the color completely.

Here is a simple tutorial to change hair color in a photo without having to resort to dye in real life.

26.- How to Retouch the Nose – (Photoshop Tutorial)

Retouching the nose is one of the most sought-after tricks for Photoshop, especially if it is about photographs where people appear from the side who do not want to go through a plastic surgeon to look good.

Getting a smaller nose is possible with Photoshop in a few steps, this tutorial explains it to you.

27.- Lose Weight with Photoshop – (Photoshop Tutorial)

When the extra pounds appear, Photoshop is not going to get us to lose them, but it can help us appear thinner in photos.

There are many methods to lose weight with Photoshop. Today we will show you the simplest of all and one of the most effective to simulate having lost weight.

28.- Increase Breasts – (Photoshop Tutorial)

This is the case of editing female attributes, Photoshop allows you to increase or modify their size without distorting them so that they look natural.

29.- Remove Stretch Marks – (Photoshop Tutorial)

Those who are fans of social media are always retouching their photos but actors and actresses also do it, to remove those skin blemishes such as stretch marks. In this way, your skin will look natural and without any imperfections.

30.- Longer Nails with Photoshop – (Photoshop Tutorial)

Lengthening the nails is also possible with Photoshop and with it, transform the appearance of the hands. Whether you need something professional or if you just want to practice, here we leave you another tutorial to learn.

31.- Reduce Dark Circles – (Photoshop Tutorial)

Up to 48% of the world’s population have trouble falling asleep. And you may wonder … but what does this have to do with photography? Well, a lot, because not sleeping well causes dark circles to appear, and dark circles are one of the worst enemies of those who seek to have impeccable photos.

32.- How to Change the Background Color – (Photoshop Tutorial)

How to change the background color of a photograph with Photoshop is another of the most sought-after tutorials by many users.

In the next video, you can see in a few minutes how it is possible to undertake this task and you will also see that it is not something that involves too many difficulties.

33.- Add Clouds to a Landscape – (Photoshop Tutorial)

In the following Photoshop video tutorial, we show step by step how to make a montage to combine a cloud taken from a photograph on another image that contains a landscape with an almost clear sky.

Possibly adding clouds to a landscape that lacks them is probably one of the simplest and most frequent assemblies. However, to achieve a completely realistic result, you need to follow a few steps and that is precisely what is explained in this video tutorial.

34.- Create an Artistic Background with Textures

We do not always have as spectacular or simply adequate backgrounds as we would like, that is why changing the background of a photograph is one of the most common photo manipulation tasks.

In the next tutorial, it is shown how with the help of texture images it is possible to make a credible background transformation with a certain artistic touch.

35.- Face Change by Mounting – (Photoshop Tutorial)

Sometimes we find ourselves in the need to make a montage to include elements of one photograph in another. This montage of an element from another image requires an adaptation to be credible. Things like color, text, size, etc, require a transformation.

36.- Mount Multiple Images On One Background

This tutorial is a simple montage in which several shots from the same session have been put together to give the illusion of a jump progression reminiscent of a stroboscopic photograph.

37.- Create and Project the Shadow of a Person

On some occasions, both in product and model photography, we need to create a shadow that gives depth to the scene or helps us create volume. Achieving this using Photoshop is simple and is what we show in this tutorial.

38.- Realistic Montages with Displacement Map

The application of patterns or textures on irregular surfaces, faces, fabrics, etc. is a need that arises often. Placing the motif directly on the receiving surface produces realistic results so it is necessary to make a displacement map.

39.- Combine Fireworks Images – (Photoshop Tutorial)

If you have the opportunity to photograph fireworks, don’t miss it. It is a very appreciative photographic subject. However, the best fireworks images are usually multi-shot montages in which different fireworks are brought together for a more spectacular image.

40.- How to Turn Day Into Night – (Photoshop Tutorial)

This Photoshop tutorial falls into the category of photographic special effects as it shows how to turn day into night. There is no doubt that the best night photography is the one taken at night, but sometimes this type of photographic manipulation can come to our aid when we need a specific effect that we could not capture naturally.

41.- How to Cover a Landscape with Snow

In this Photoshop tutorial, you can learn how to cover with snow a landscape that was not snowed at the time of taking the photo.

42.- Create Fog the Easy Way – (Photoshop Tutorial)

Possibly the simplest possible method of creating fog as you only need a layer and a gradient fill to achieve the effect realistically.

43.- How to Add Rain to a Scene – (Photoshop Tutorial)

Sometimes, even rarely, adding special effects such as rain can enhance the appearance of a photograph, for example, to recreate melancholic days.

44.- Create Rays of Light – Photoshop Tutorial

Some photographers work with light and, sometimes, the light rays take the body and are especially present in the form of a beam. But it doesn’t always happen. Precisely for
simulate the appearance of these lights, you can follow this tutorial.

45.- How to Make a Perfect Blur Background – (Photoshop Tutorial)

On many occasions, the details present in the background of a photograph constitute a distraction that diminishes the importance and visual impact of the subject and the value of the photograph. To have a blurred background, follow the next video tutorial.

46.- Add Artistic Borders to your Photos – (Photoshop Tutorial)

Sometimes, adding a frame or border to a photo will give it an artistic touch that can enhance its appearance. In the following video tutorial, you can see step by step how to add frames to an image.

47.- Create a Mosaic with your Images – (Photoshop Tutorial)

On this occasion, in this video tutorial, we are addressing a presentation effect, specifically a technique that allows us to present an image as if it were a mosaic divided into different parts.

48.- Convert Image to Black and White with Selective Color

Converting a photo to black and white but selectively maintaining color is very simple and you will learn how to do it with this video tutorial.

49.- Create Animated GIFs from Photos – (Photoshop Tutorial)

Photoshop tutorial that explains in detail how to make animated GIFs from various photos so you can post on Instagram. It is not difficult, you can learn it in just a few minutes.

50.- Simulate Window Light – (Photoshop Tutorial)

This time we are going to see how to create the projection of the light that passes through a window to include it in a scenario in which such a window does not exist.


As you can see, Photoshop is an excellent tool to create different scenarios and effects to obtain new photos and make them look natural. Follow these tutorials to learn faster.

Sudipta Gupta

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