Digital Life,Free Stuff,Internet,Productivity,Tools & Utilities

120+ Best Productivity Tools Mega List (Updated)

120 best productivity tools

What is the secret formula for productivity at work? Is there a program that can help you increase production capacity? To achieve this, controlling time, optimizing tasks, and automating them can be of great help. How? It is very simple, find a tool that improves productivity and facilitates planning, teamwork, creating mind maps, automating tasks, or managing time more efficiently.

We propose some options. Keep reading and discover the best tools that will help you increase productivity for your every need.

 In this article

Productivity Tools For Designers

These are simple but useful tools that will help you make yourself more productive. Take note.

1. Momentum

Best Productivity Tools

Today, many designers waste a large part of the day doing activities without any end between social media and instant messaging services. That’s why increasing productivity is essential.

Momentum is a browser extension. Every time you open a new browser tab page, a photo will greet you with a message reminding you of some of the tasks you have to perform, and the truth is that it is effective. An excellent way to get back to work and prevent you from being distracted with some funny video.

2. Freedom

Work psychology has extensively addressed how social media can turn against us and interfere with work productivity. Freedom for Firefox, blocking social media and the Internet for a while, and the mobile’s total restriction during a specific task. It helps you keep your eyes on your work by preventing you from checking your Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. It is very efficient, and it is highly recommended if you are to lose concentration quickly.

3. Magnet

If you are a designer looking to be more productive, then Magnet is another excellent option as it helps you optimize your workspace. With it, you can manage several windows simultaneously in a visual, agile, and intuitive way. Magnet starts working on its own when you need it. This way, you can quickly organize the size and position of each window. Thus, you can create any combination of keys that you want to rearrange the windows instantly.

4. Focus

This is one of the favorite productivity apps of designers since it is a tool that allows working with the recommendation of 25 minutes per block, following the Pomodoro technique. You can use it on the computer, on the mobile, and even on a smartwatch to “block” some moments of work. The goal is none other than to focus on a specific task.

5. Bear

You can use it to mark and organize your ideas, tasks, meetings with clients, and any thoughts that may be useful for future projects. Labels and the use of the Markdown language can be beneficial in coordinating your sketches. Bear is a note manager with a beautiful and straightforward interface, is easy to use, and has practically everything you need to take note and develop a text.

The tool will help you stay focused and take notes without distractions, keeping your notes organized using a tagging system instead of folders. Just add tags using the #. In this way, it will appear in the sidebar.

6. Spark

This tool is an application that allows you to improve the management of emails. First, it will enable you to filter emails to notify you of emails received from people you know, so you will not receive a notification for each message, only for the significant ones. You can set up quick responses that you can click to reduce the time you spend typing the same thing over and over again.

7. RescueTime

Although phones are our work tools, we have an infinite center of distractions within reach of a click that takes us away from our goals. The RescueTime is designed to reduce the time we spend in front of the mobile or the computer and identify in which applications we spend more time. Best of all, you can schedule notifications to receive alerts when you’ve reached a certain usage time.

8. Focus-To-Do

This is an application for Android, iOS, Chrome extension, etc., that allows you to make lists of tasks and control the time you spend doing each one. The operation is very simple and will remind you of a lot of the Pomodoro technique. You work with intensity in configurable blocks (by default 25 minutes) and then take short breaks. The application has a free trial period, although then it has a paid version.

9. Things

Many designers still prefer the simplicity of using pen and paper to keep up with their daily tasks. But, they also likely know the stress of losing it. The replacement for those designers who love their pen and paper to-do lists is this task management tool. This App allows you to organize your tasks, focus on what is important, and do things. With Things, you can store all the tasks you are responsible for in groups and use tags so that you can easily find the task you are looking for.

10. Harvest

Harvest is an alternative to RescueTime. A simple time tracker gives you an honest and unrestricted report on precisely what is consuming your time online so that you can do something about it.

11. Headspace

No matter how many applications and digital tools you find to organize yourself, none will work if you do not train your mind to be focused and attentive to the present moment. Headspace is a very dynamic and engaging guided meditation app. Practical exercises and short meditation sessions help us clear all those useless thoughts that come to us when we are about to undertake some important design.

12. Figma

Some tools can make our lives easier by allowing us to be more efficient and productive, optimizing communication, or even improving the final result. That’s why Figma is on this list. Apart from communicating with your working group of designers, this tool allows you to save time since it offers you options such as shortcuts that facilitate and save you time. Also, it allows you to create shapes and objects quickly, etc.

13. We Transfer

You don’t have to meet anyone to transfer files to a hard drive. With WeTransfer, you can send files up to 2GB in weight for free, and it also has a mobile version. But besides being very useful, we love it because it makes us discover artists. Wetransfer has grown into one of the most extensive art galleries in the world. It has a team and a blog dedicated exclusively to curating these funds.

14. Serere

Serene is an application for macOS that aims to minimize distractions and allows you to stay as focused as possible. Every morning, Serene will ask you to divide the day into sessions and define the primary goal. This helps you prioritize the most important goals so that you can focus on them instead of being distracted by the little things, as the App can block other distracting programs or websites, silence your phone, etc.

The App also offers focus enhancers, such as music, countdown timers, and regular break reminders, which have been shown to help people get work done.

15. Toggl

In any design project, it is essential to consider time. Toggl, is an online tool that can be used for free for work teams of up to 5 members. It is a handy resource to organize and count each project’s global duration, being able to analyze the time that each of the tasks has taken you. Controlling and learning to manage time is one of the keys to being more productive, and this online tool gives you all the facilities.

16. Noizio

The effect of sound on our levels of concentration and productivity can be enormous. Some sounds around us are indisputably annoying, and others can help us focus. This is the premise behind Noizio. This tool simply provides a range of ambient background sounds to help increase your productivity and block out other, more annoying sounds that slow down your work. The sounds available include a relaxing coffee, the sound of the waves, among others.

17. Mockplus

MockPlus is one of the fastest wireframing and prototyping tools on the market and is a great option for designers. “Faster design, faster interactions, and faster testing.”

To support its claim, MockPlus has various features that allow you to create wireframes faster than with traditional tools like Sketch and/or InDesign. These features include a WYSIWYG editor, pre-designed components, marking components, master documents, QR codes for device tests, and much more.

18. Trello

This tool is widely used for both design teams and freelance designers as it helps them plan their design work and increase productivity because it offers whiteboard-style boards where you can create columns and, in each column, cards with tasks. You can set an expiration date, including a checklist, attach files, and include links. You can link it with your Google calendar, with Slack, or with Dropbox. It’s like the dashboard of the Star Trek ship.

19. Habitica

As if it were a pixelated role-playing game, your avatar will level up as you fulfill your duties. When you complete tasks, you get coins, and these can be exchanged for rewards. It’s that simple and that fun. Beyond graphs and numbers, our inner gamer likes to pass a screen from time to time.

20. Mars Craft

This tool is about the Pomodoro technique. The time is divided into blocks of 25 minutes, and during that time, you cannot lift your head from the keyboard. During those times of concentration, an airbase was being built on Mars. If you touch the mobile, i. e., if you interrupt yourself, it is destroyed. That is simple and that effective.

Productivity Tools For Web Developers

Web developers have many responsibilities and need tools to promote and improve productivity to help with the web development workflow. Check some of those tools here.

21. Kanban Flow

The Kanban method is used mainly in software development and consists of dividing the process into well-defined phases that have to be completed completely before moving on to the next, thus guaranteeing the quality of the final product and avoiding bottlenecks. You can organize the panels as you want, for example, in pending tasks to start, progress, and do. It will give you a global vision of all the activities of your project.

22. Kill News Feed

If you work on the computer all day, you may always have Facebook open, and every time you go through that tab, you cannot avoid clicking on the kitten video that appears on your timeline. This plugin is the solution since it blocks the latest news, thus preventing you from being distracted by irrelevant things and continuing with your productivity.

23. WiseMapping

Mind maps are an essential and potent tool to represent ideas, tasks, concepts around a keyword. Wisemapping is an online mind mapping application that allows you to share and collaborate on them. Many web designers use it to have a clear vision of the different areas of their projects. It is very visual and schematic to have clear ideas.

24. TimeCamp

Time Camp, a time recording solution, serves to monitor the work time assigned to each project. Besides, this option integrates with Trello, Asana, or Todoist. It is perhaps the ideal option if you are looking for a tool to control working hours, a tool to work from home, and synchronize the different team members’ work. Also, the application supports subtasks and notes, which facilitates the project’s organization. If necessary, you can calculate the income and view detailed reports.

25. HeySpace

Here you can see file attachments, history of previous tasks, etc. The second face of HeySpace consists of offering a chat where you can create groups or individual conversations in real-time or by leaving a message until you receive a response. As an incentive, HeySpace says it has no user limit.

26. F.lux

If you are a developer, surely you spend many hours in front of the computer. This causes a lot of visual fatigue, dry eyes, irritations, etc. Therefore, this tool will be very useful because if you feel discomfort in your vision, you will easily lose your concentration. This software automatically adjusts your computer screen’s brightness according to the time of day so that it is less aggressive to your eyes.

27. Sublime Text

This tool is a code editor that many developers love. It is very easy to use, clean, with a black background, with functions, labels, attributes, etc., in different colors to be able to differentiate them well, with auto-completion of some codes, etc. It is a program that you can download for free for both Mac and Windows to block some distractions and stay focused on your work.

28. Zapier

Zapier is a web service that allows you to automate actions that you usually do between different online tools to have as a personal assistant and save time. For example, it allows you to move files from Dropbox to Google Drive or vice versa, without your intervention, sends your important emails from Gmail to Evernote, etc.

29. Mind Node

Mind maps are a great way to visualize ideas. You can brainstorm from a central thought, which often leads to unexpected and exciting paths. The problem arises when it comes to having to organize and edit everything. But with MindNode digital mind maps, every thought and connection node can be edited and enlarged with pictures and notes. There’s even a quick entry option to transform a list of points into a mind map with a single tap. On Android, try the Mindly App, very similar.

30. Bear Focus Timer

This App provides a system to help you focus when you need to get things done quickly but without exhausting yourself. Following the Pomodoro technique’s basic principles, you divide your day into user-defined work and rest cycles. The timer starts when the phone is turned upside down, a psychological trick that ensures the phone does not become a distraction. As an added incentive, a bear will growl at you if you pick up the phone when you need to be working.

31. Soulver

Developers must also fight with numbers. But common tools are often not appropriate: calculators lack context, and spreadsheets are overkill. It offers a better way to work with numbers: a little notepad that understands math. It is a powerful yet intuitive way to create live, dynamic number-based documents. At any time, you can export your work and share it with colleagues.

32. ScanBot

With Scanbot, you can minimize the pile of receipts and documents that you carry with you. The application performs high-quality scans with a single touch. Plus, it automatically crops and optimizes your image accordingly. You can upload and share your scanned documents to a wide range of services.

33. HabitHub

Surely, you already have a calendar and scheduler for work-related tasks. But productivity is about goals directly related to the business and personal well-being and good habits. HabitHub is specifically designed to introduce habits with flexible hours and try to accumulate streaks of days successfully, thus “reconfiguring” your brain little by little. It’s great if you often forget to take breaks or need extra encouragement to hit the gym.

34. Visual Studio Code

One of the most important things for your productivity as a developer is to use your editor’s capabilities to the fullest to help you throughout the development process, and the VS Code can help you. This is a code editor similar to Sublime Text. Microsoft has developed and has a very fast development cycle and with great integrations as the quality of its extensions.

35. ESLint

This tool can mark a real game-changer for any JavaScript developer, including React lovers. Basically, it’s a flashlight packed with smart algorithms that can quickly scan your code for possible errors. It even offers us the ability to fix any problem without breaking the syntax automatically. To get started, it is recommended to use the ESLint settings created by the Airbnb developers.

36. Bit

This tool has introduced a much-needed collaboration platform for React developers, allowing teams to work together on individual components. It is nothing more than a command-line utility that allows you to write reusable code. The bit is entirely open-source, which is one of the big reasons it has become so popular.

37. React Testing Library

Having the right tools for testing is very important. React Testing Library is a small library that allows you to test your React code, promoting the best possible practices. It’s simple to use, and it extends over the standard libraries: react-dom and react-dom/test-utils.


A study from the University of Miami ensures that music activates the brain’s pleasure center and reduces stress by up to 65%. Music improves mood, increases creativity, reduces stress, and helps to be more active, among other benefits. Therefore, this tool offers you more than 30,000 songs in one place.

39. Polymail

You can manage your emails with this tool. Sure, as a developer, you receive a lot of emails per day. With the paid version, you can make a thousand things: schedule shipments, control whether your contacts have opened the emails sent, etc. But the free version is also great. Visually it is beautiful and intuitive.

40. WorkFlow

WorkFlow is an App to automate tasks and functions that you perform daily on your iPhone or iPad. Learning to use WorkFlow is the first step to being productive on the iOS operating system if you are a developer. In Workflow, you define a series of actions that the App executes in a single action. Among the functions that you can program is shortening a URL, converting a web page into a PDF, or confining a direct call to a client.

Productivity Tools For Blogger

As a blogger, the correct use of available time is a must. In this section, we will share some tools to be more productive.

41. Atext

When it comes to blogging, there are a series of words, phrases, data, weblinks, and HTML codes that you type over and over again, such as Atext is the program that many bloggers use to speed up typing by automatically replacing abbreviations with the phrase or complete code they want.

42. OneTab

Many bloggers research the Internet and accumulate a large number of tabs open in the web browser. Depending on the number and content of open tabs, the computer slows down significantly. OneTab is a free extension available for Google Chrome that allows you to turn all browser tabs into a list of web links. You can restore them again individually if you need to consult a specific page or all at once. When tabs are listed on OneTab, up to 95% memory is saved, improving computer performance and speed by reducing CPU load.

43. Buffer

This is another web tool that helps you distribute and schedule your social media posts throughout the day. Instead of connecting to Twitter several times a day to share interesting articles with your network, each morning, you can make a list of resources you want to share and specify a specific time for Buffer to publish them for you during the day or week.

If you find interesting new content to share at any time while browsing the Internet, the Buffer extension allows you, in a single click, to add it to the queue by publishing it at one of the times you have designated.

44. Self Control

If you don’t have the discipline to stop checking your email or your Facebook every 10 minutes, you can use SelfControl to block access from your computer to the web pages you want for a while. Until the time is up, you will not be able to enter your blacklist even if you restart your computer or uninstall the application.

45. Diigo

Many bloggers are completely delighted with this tool because it increases their productivity by saving them more time. When browsing the Internet, it is extremely easy to lose focus, so anything we look at exposes us to easily wasting our time. The function of Diigo is to store the interesting material that we discover when we browse and make it easier for us to read or review it later. So whenever you browse, you can save the URLs, images, notes, or documents you want to see later.

46. Mellel

Mellel, a word processor for Mac, is very interesting. It has a flexible structure, advanced search and replaces functions (useful during corrections), and the possibility of configuring so-called auto-titles to apply consistent styles to different structural elements and distinguish them from the body of the text.

This tool is ideal for those who work with complex texts, numerous images, tables, subject indexes, and cross-references. Export to TXT, RTF, DOC, OPML, and PDF formats.

47. Evernote

Evernote has everything you would expect from a note-taking tool: the ability to use from any device, save, sync, insert web pages, and upload attachments. However, you must purchase the premium version to take full advantage of it, and access features such as PDF annotation, email forwarding to the Evernote account, and offline access on mobiles.

48. Google Trends

Did you know that more than 80% of Internet users search for the information that interests them on Google? Choosing a suitable topic to discuss on our blog can be complex since our post’s main goal is to reach as many users as possible.

To learn about the main search trends and save time, we can use this tool, which provides us with information on queries related to a specific topic, selecting the period or the location that seems most relevant to us.

49. Feedly

Another highly recommended option to get interesting topics for our blog is to keep up to date with current affairs and news related to the subject we usually write about.

Information is always key to reference an article and can even provide original ideas for our texts. This tool allows us to subscribe to different media or content through the RRSS system. The positive part of this tool is that it allows us to store news and read it later.

50. Padlet

This is an online collaboration tool that makes it possible to work with various formats such as text, video, images, and audio files. It allows you to invite multiple users to work on the post together, thus saving time.

51. Blog Topics Generator

HubSpot’s Blog Topics Generator tools can generate multiple topics on provided keywords. You just have to enter 2-3 keywords and this tool will produce 5 topic ideas for you to blog. So this can be a great help for all bloggers to come up with new ideas for the next blog post.

52. Google Drive

Without a doubt, for many bloggers, it is one of the most useful tools that exist, both in its desktop version and in its mobile application. It allows you to create tons of documents and projects or upload videos and images to share with your team and clients. Also, it gives you the possibility to write using voice functionality without having to type. Something very useful to save time and use it when you feel creative.

53. Slack

This tool will help you improve productivity if you work as a team. It is often used a lot to manage different projects, and it is really useful when there is a team of people working in different parts of the world and at different times.

Thus, there is a chat where you can comment on topics by projects or write directly. Besides, as it has a mobile app version, you can adapt to your other colleagues’ schedules and answer urgent things without being glued to the computer.

54. Calmly writer

A tool that allows us to avoid all kinds of distractions since it allows us to view only the paragraph we are writing. It makes it possible to save our articles in the cloud.

55. Zen Pen

A text editor that, through its simple interface, allows you to avoid distractions when writing. It is very similar to the previous option, but they differ in some options. It’s free, so it will help you write your ideas quickly. Allows you to change fonts and add links.

56. Calameo

It makes it possible to upload files in Word, PowerPoint, or PDF formats to the blog, among others, generating an embed code that allows them to be viewed. This tool to create content for your blog allows you to edit the documents’ size to suite your corporate image.

57. Google Calendar

A basic and effective tool for every blogger. You can create new calendars according to the projects you have and apart of this monthly organization. Every night before going to sleep, it allows you to organize yourself for the next day and save time.

58. Long Tail Pro

This tool is a practical option with which bloggers can search for keywords, although it offers more information than the Google application and has more filtering options. The keywords that are found can be filtered based on the price per click, the geographic location for which the search is defined, the number of words, and the density of the competition.


As a blogger, you surely have tedious or routine tasks to do. To further optimize your day, you can use this tool to save time as it connects applications and web services to automate those repetitive tasks.

This tool offers different uses, such as publishing your articles on your blog. It integrates with WordPress very easily. Also, it allows you to spread your content on your social media, etc.

60. Xmind

This is a concept mapping tool that can be very handy for managing ideas. And, through a concept map, you can relate concepts, add images and notes, hyperlinks, files, etc. Thus, it will allow you to reflect on complex topics. It is very easy to use and is compatible with MindManager and FreeMind formats. Also, you should know that the maps can be exported to text, image, or HTML.

Productivity Tools For Digital Marketers

If you are a Digital Marketer, you must also improve productivity. The best way to achieve this is by being constant with your goals, and technology provides you, daily, with new tools for this.

61. HootSuite

Hootsuite is a very productive tool and is very useful when managing various social media accounts at the same time. It is useful because it does not consume resources from our computer. Its great flexibility allows us to customize the tool according to our needs or preferences, adding, removing, or ordering display columns.

62. MissingLettr

It is a tool that launches a social marketing campaign for your blog posts. Instead of sharing your latest blog post just once, Missinglettr will create a campaign that runs throughout the year, dripping the content of one post at a time.

Missinglettr uses a technology called “Natural Language Processing” to read through your blog post and spot the most important points. Then create a unique marketing program of your blog posts to run for the next twelve months.

63. Canva

Canva is an ideal tool to create designs without having to be a professional designer. The tool is enabled with enough functionalities very easy to use, and many free resources. This tool is ideal for SMEs and Entrepreneurs, it allows you to customize your designs easily, just drag and drop to create pieces that invite you to generate interaction on your Social Media.

64. LeadPages

Landing pages are an indispensable part of your marketing strategy. They are the ideal tool to convert visitors into prospects. Leadpages allows you to create your landing pages easily. You can use more than 130 templates included for all types of business or design your own. Its interface is very intuitive and easy to use.

65. ActiveCampaign

When it comes to productivity, this “All-in-one” tool will help you save time so you can use it on what matters most. This tool allows you to have all the information of your customers in one place. Although it is not so easy to configure it, it is worth spending some time understanding the tool and getting the most out of it.

66. Hotjar

Hotjar is a suite of analytical tools that will help you collect qualitative data (that is, those that are not numbers). We are talking about heat maps, funnel tracking, user surveys, and more.

67. G Suite

Also known as Google Apps, it is the solution to different online productivity problems faced by many marketers. It is a suite of online tools that offer solutions for email, web pages, word processing, tables, presentations, sharing contacts and calendars, cloud storage along with several other things.

68. Quill Engage

This tool converts Google Analytics results in text. Many marketers do not enter to see the Google Analytics reports, but you must change that. This tool is very useful for those who do not understand graphics. Also, it compares the results obtained easily and quickly.

69. CoSchedule

CoSchedule is a tool that allows you to manage WordPress content and publish it without problems on different Social media. It is a tool that you can use from your website or your WordPress. So that you can understand it better, it is a publication calendar where, in advance, what will be shared on Social media is automated.

70. Action Recorder

If your area as a marketer is to track events, you will surely feel trapped with tools like Google Tag Manager since coding can be a complicated action. If this is your case, Action Recorder is for you since you can track the events you need from a web page without knowing about coding.

71. SEOquake

SEOquake is a free toolbar for the main web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari. Thanks to this utility, you will view a large number of SEO and other metrics for the sites you visit. And what is more interesting: you will be able to see these parameters directly on the results page.

72. Mention

It is a monitoring tool on the Internet with which you can be aware of all the mentions that occur of your brand, company, name, or competition on social media, the web, or blogs. Its price varies according to the volume of mentions that are generated every month.

73. SurveyMonkey

Whether it’s a simple opinion poll or an in-depth market study, SurveyMonkey is a web-based online survey tool. With more than 15 question types (eg, multiple-choice or rating scales) and refined branching logic, this App provides users with the tools they need to determine the course of the survey.

74. Polldaddy

The Polldaddy website is based on an editor from the firm Automattic, which is also responsible for the WordPress content management system. This editor, which can be used by accessing it from a account, can create an unlimited number of detailed surveys or questionnaires, as well as questions or scorecards. There is also no limit to the number of possible answers and the number of participants.

75. Skimlinks

Skimlinks is a smart technology that helps you easily monetize online content by converting the normal product links of thousands of retailers into their equivalent affiliate links so you can effortlessly earn commission every time you make a purchase. The tool works behind the scenes to eliminate all the manual effort usually associated with affiliate marketing.

76. MailChimp

MailChimp is one of the tools that can make your day a little easier. Designing, executing, and evaluating the results of a mail marketing campaign is a complex task, but you can be more productive thanks to this tool since you can manage, automate and keep track of all the newsletter shipments you make through an address of personal or corporate brand mail.

77. Asana

To increase productivity, Asana is a great option because it is responsible for optimizing your team’s productivity. It is a web and mobile application designed to optimize communication, collaboration, and team task management online. Besides, this tool allows more exhaustive monitoring of a project’s tasks and their status at all times.

78. LastPass

Do you know how much time you spend filling in passwords? With LastPass, you will no longer waste a minute a day with the access forms to the platforms you use since it works as a “password box”. Add all the pages you usually access with their usernames and passwords; the next time you enter one of them, the tool will fill out the form. Fast and very comfortable thanks to its extension for browsers!

79. MailTrack

Many times you send emails and do not receive a response. That is when you ask yourself: Has he received the email? Did he get to read it? For that, you need Mailtrack, an extension for Google Chrome that allows you to know your emails’ status with two green ticks similar to those of WhatsApp. One indicates the correct reception, and the other the opening of the email. In this way, you will be able to see two ticks next to each email in your inbox to know if that important proposal that you sent yesterday has already been read.

80. Dropbox

Dropbox is an application that allows you to synchronize all your files on three devices (PC, tablet, mobile) with a space in the cloud of 2 gigabytes (look for the paid plan for more space). Besides, it integrates seamlessly with Windows. So if you forgot your laptop at home or lost your cell phone, you will have the peace of mind of having all your information ready and updated on any device you have synchronized. Goodbye USB!

Productivity Tools For Office & Personal Work

When we sit down to work, we want to earn hours on the clock to finish all our tasks without ending up tired or working 14 hours every day because we have not reached the time. For that, you can use some of the following tools that will help you better manage your time and move forward faster.

81. Mindmeister

Are you the king of mind maps? Then Mindmeister can be your best ally. The free version offers you a good service with the creation of 3 mind maps and being able to collaborate in the community. It is ideal for assigning tasks to the different office members, setting priorities, adding deadlines, and indicating progress.

82. Productivity Owl

Sometimes the risk to productivity is associated with distractions. If that is what happens to you, you can apply this tool, limiting the functionalities and accesses of Google. That way you can control browsing activity by simply blocking some pages and sites that have nothing to do with your job functions.

83. MakeMe

This mobile application allows you to set goals to meet. It lets you choose from a list already created (or you can create yourself) and then specify your goal. You have to indicate how many times a week you have to do it, when to start, and the consequence if you fail. It allows you to add other people to motivate each other.

84. CoachMe

Another tool similar to the previous one (there is a desktop version), in which you mark your goals and achievements, and you can share them with the community.

85. Soundrown

Against lovers of silence, are you one of those who like to feel some noise around to isolate yourself? This website allows you to set your workplace with background sounds of a cafeteria, a park, rain, the sea, etc. And thus, make your productivity grow.

86. Write or Die

A special one for all those who are distracted when they are writing either blog posts or important documents. Write or die is an online tool to force you to write a number “x” of words in a given time. Be careful that as you stop typing for a few seconds, the alarms start to sound.

87. You Can Book Me

Surely you have thought more than once … “it would be faster to pass my agenda to the client and for him to choose when he wants the appointment”. Well, that’s what this tool does. It allows you to create a calendar with an appointment time so that people can choose when to meet with you. It is synchronized with Google Calendar so that when you incorporate an event into it, that schedule is automatically blocked.

88. 1-3-5 List

If you want a listing tool that is the ultimate expression of simplicity, this is it. It only allows you (in the free version) to create lists and add tasks that you can order.

89. Todoist

We now turn to a system with a different organization in list format. You can see the tasks organized in 3 ways:
• Today.
• Next 7 days.
• Inbox (tasks to which you have not assigned a project).
Besides creating projects, you can assign subtasks, set priorities, and many more options. It also has a free version and a mobile application.

90. Pocket

If you spend a large part of your working hours in front of a computer, you will likely spend some time informing yourself about your sector’s news to be updated. However, the number of pages that we can visit per day can be enormous. If you liked an article and you want to save it to read it later (which would be the most effective way to avoid time running out), you can use this tool. Just install the Pocket button in your browser and hit add. You can also check it on your mobile.

91. Timer Timer

In the business world, time is money. This Android and iOS allow you to use a timer that tells you how much time you dedicate to an activity. The usual thing is that, if you do not have very rigorous control, you start doing an activity, and you do not know very well when you will finish it. But it is essential to manage time well to meet the objectives.

92. Bitrix 24

To work more efficiently, we want to mention Bitrix 24 to you. A CRM in the cloud with which you can get more advanced functions, especially if you are starting your own company or if you are self-employed, but you need solutions to manage your brand. Its advantage is that you can manage your relationships with anyone outside your brand with whom you want to strengthen a commercial link.

93. Remember the Milk

Remember the Milk allows you to make different lists in which you can add tasks. You can put labels on each task as well as assign them date, duration, location, priority, include notes, etc. Also, it allows you to assign or share tasks with other contacts. Then it has other advantages such as being able to export your task lists in calendar format, receive notifications, reminders, and summaries on your computer, mobile phone, etc.

94. Teudeux

This tool also helps you organize your time by creating a to-do list. It is very comfortable to use and is very visual. The content adapts to the screen. It is very flexible and very easy to edit. Besides, it is divided into two sections: one as a calendar, where you can write down tasks that have to be done every day, and another where you can make all the lists you want.

95. Notion

Do you want to create workflows and document the processes that are repeated the most daily? With Notion, you can systematize processes through files, texts, videos, or photos, and in this way, all the necessary information is recorded to monitor the team’s tasks and the activity for weeks. All information can be edited by several people.

96. Ideaflip

If you thought that you already knew enough task managers, you were wrong. It is a very valid alternative to work in the office, brainstorm, develop, and communicate them to the team. It is very easy to use and you can upload images, import PDFs, and even create templates.

97. Kapost

Within the copywriter’s sector, Kapost is a very useful tool for working with other similar profiles. It functions as a publishing room where concepts are approved for the editor-in-chief to check and give approval. Thus, when working in the office, the quality of the publications increases.

98. Sesame Time

This tool allows you to manage your work time most optimally, taking care of your work obligations. Besides, with the Sesame task manager, you can know at all times what you are working on, the time you dedicate to your projects, and the objectives you are achieving to obtain the maximum performance. It is a very complete tool, with which you can know your profitability and how productive you are.

99. Dubsuite

If you need to make a presentation, this productivity tool is what you need. With it, you can edit files, videos, and produce content from your iPhone in the most efficient way. It is also useful for managing social media, as it allows you to optimize your work by adding content, music, titles, effects, etc.

100. Tomighty

This tool is perfect for following the Pomodoro Technique, which, as we have already explained, consists of dividing your work into periods of 25 minutes. Every time a period ends you should take a 5-minute break and every 4 Pomodoro the break will be extended to 15 minutes. This tool allows us not to look at the clock until the alarm sounds and fully devote ourselves to completing our tasks.

Productivity Tools For Social Media

If you work with social media, you will have to realize that good management is of vital importance in your day-to-day. Social media are a world to which we dedicate a third of our time on the Internet. The use of tools for them will make us have better results. We will increase productivity, automating, and reducing tasks. Do you want to learn what they are? Here we go.

101. Tweetdeck

With this tool, we can manage our Twitter, control notifications, messages, tweet scheduling, and much more in several different accounts. We can also add columns to the main panel to track hashtags, users, and other accounts’ activity. With its advanced features, you can get the most out of Twitter and measure results.

102. Sprout Social

Sprout Social is one of the most complete tools that we can find for social media. With it, we can monitor, publish, and schedule content, assign tasks, debug Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts, and even create reports.

103. UNUM

This App is free and allows us to plan this social media. With this application we can save draft images, edit and cut, divide a photo into nine small ones, and schedule their publication. It is ideal to be able to preview and edit the feed of our account to be able to show the image we want.

104. SocialOomph

SocialOomph can manage all Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Plurk, and activities. As well as all your blogging activity. Among its advanced features, we can improve our Twitter follower lists with recommendations and a review process. It also has a process to automate the sending of direct messages to new followers, as well as configure keyword searches to find influencers on Twitter.

105. Creator Studio

Creator Studio is Facebook’s own publication planning and scheduling tool, which allows you to have greater control of everything without having to leave Facebook.

106. Cold Turkey

Cold Turkey is an application that blocks Internet access for a configurable period of time to avoid distractions. However, Cold Turkey is quite strict since it cannot be stopped by the task manager and, if you try to bypass the block, it punishes you by resetting the time counter.

107. TinEye

When users upload an image to TinEye, the site reverses the image search to find duplicates and scours the Internet for other sites where the image appears. You can use its browser extension to find the images you need for your social media.

108. BuiltWith

BuiltWith offers very varied information and is very good at knowing what is used on a specific website. It reveals a lot of information about the site, such as CMS, hosting provider, JavaScript libraries, plugins, security certificates, type of server, analytical tools, if it has tracking on social networks, etc.

109. Metricool

It is very comfortable to use since in a single panel, you can manage the information about publications of several RRSS such as Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, etc., in addition to analyzing the traffic that reaches your website. The graphs are quite visual and the metrics it shows are interesting, i. e., the most common KPIs for media management, and you can download them in Excel format.

110. Crello

This is online graphic editing software, and it is highly recommended since the image in social networks is so important to attract your audience. It is a simple and fast tool, it helps you create visual content without being a graphic designer and it has more than 12,000 free images, icons, vectors, etc.

Productivity Tools For Project Management

Specifically, project management tools can help us be more efficient and orderly in our day-to-day tasks.

111. Do It (Tomorrow)

It is one of the best-known tools, one of the reasons being its easy operation. It is like an agenda and you can write down your actions to do today and those you have to do tomorrow. You can prioritize in order of urgency, so you can see at a glance what is the priority for today.

112. Sinnaps

This tool is very complete as it is capable of managing costs, resources, and charges. One of the most notable features is the possibility of showing critical paths and bottlenecks in projects, to be able to act on them and improve their delivery time. Although it cannot be installed on your own server, its free version offers multiple functionalities.

113. Nozbe

This simple tool allows synchronization with other accounts such as Dropbox, Google Calendar, and even Twitter. Its functionalities include the possibility of creating tasks simply by sending an email to your Nozbe account or the possibility of attaching files to projects, making communication exchange easier.

114. Podio

It stands out for its intuitive interface. This tool also allows integration with others such as Drive, Evernote, or Dropbox. Very useful for managing both professional and personal tasks.

115. KanbanFlow

This tool is based on the Kanban methodology. This allows you to control at a glance what state the project and its tasks are in. But it also measures the time spent on each task so that later it can make estimates and better organize projects. It also allows collaboration and teamwork.

116. ProofHub

If you have a medium or large company where your employees are spread across multiple or even global locations then you should use a new generation tool that can bring all of your teams together to work more productively. Gone are the days where employees needed to communicate everything by sending emails. ProofHub is a new breed project management tool that brings every department of your organization closer and makes every activity transparent to all.

You can check the status of all your projects in a single dashboard and also keep track of who is working on what. It also brings all of your documents to a central place.

117. Float

Float is ideal for agencies and studios. It is also a very flexible software designed for the project manager. It allows its integration with other management tools and is designed to program the work team. Its main function is to manage the workload and schedules of employees and collaborators.

118. Resource Guru

Another great tool for project management is Resource Guru, which allows a visual calendar view to track project tasks. It shows at all times what task each employee is spending time on, thus allowing the project manager to know the availability of all collaborators for new tasks. Each team member has their own dashboard, separate from the managers, where their tasks are displayed to help you plan.

119. Paymo

It helps manage projects from start to finish. This tool has different modules that allow time management, resource scheduling, making detailed project reports, and even help with billing. Also, it allows collaborative work between several people and teams, acting as a kind of social network for the project.

120. Saviom

It allows real-time scheduling and tracking of resources, as well as creating comprehensive forecast reports. It also includes a wide variety of functionalities: license, capacity, time, and cost management. The great advantage that it offers to large companies is that it is highly configurable software that can be integrated with a large number of different tools.

121. Kyber

Turn your Slack messages into tasks, reminders, meetings, and surveys. The personal productivity option is free!


So, this is a pretty exhaustive list of various types of productivity tools. The selection will depend on what you are trying to accomplish. No matter what you are looking for we believe you will find many useful tools.

We did detailed research to list down all these tools for you to enjoy. If you found them useful then please share this article with your friends on social media.

Don’t forget to tell me which productivity tool you found most unique and useful for you in the comment below.

Sudipta Gupta

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