Blogging,Digital Life,Freelancing

How to introduce yourself in a blog

How to introduce yourself in blog - Webtopic

So you have a blog or you are doing freelancing and now you want to tell your friends or blog readers about yourself. There are many way you can actually introduce yourself in front of your friends and blog readers.

Today I am going to show you some of the best way, using which you can introduce yourself as a blogger or freelancer.
Just saying “Hey, I run a blog”
“I do freelancing” is not enough to introduce yourself as a blogger or freelancer.

There are many ways you can introduce yourself in a blog. You can tell your blog readers about your personal life, your hobbies, your daily life, how you started your blog & what are your blogging goals of 2019.

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It is good to make separate “About Me” page in your blog to introduce yourself. By the help of that page your readers will know more about you. If you go to popular blogs then you will see a About Me page in their blog. From this also we can know how important is About Me page.

Things to include in About Me page :-

  1.  Your picture: You must include picture of yourself in your about me page so that your readers can know how you actually look a like in real life. Try adding your latest photo in your about me page. This picture will help make a strong ? relation between you and your readers.
  2. Your blog info: You already may have wrote about your blog in about page of your blog, but try writing something about your blog here.
    Tell people why you are different from other bloggers and why they should check out your blog, also discuss about your blog niche. Tell your readers what makes you special than others ?
  3. Your interest: After adding your photo ?, try including your name and your interest in your page. Don’t write fake things, because you are introducing yourself not someone else. If you write fake things then it will hurt yourself because you can cheat other people but can’t cheat yourself. So write everything straight not like ?.
  4. Your blogging goal: When writing about your blogging goal it may be very difficult if you have never though about this topic. You can see this article to see what must be your blogging goal (Top 10 Blogging goal to set for your blog).                                                        You can also include goal of your life. What you actually want to do & want to be in future and what are your planning to achieve those goals.

These are some of the most important things that you must include in your About Me page to make it professional & take it to next level that other’s one.


When writing About Me page make it short & sweet but try to provide detailed information about yourself that your readers actually want’s from you.

Also Read: Use wifi and earn money

To drive more traffic to your about me page, add a small preview of your about me page at the end of every article you write in your blog. Make that preview look professional and make it clear and small…

Make that preview just like this one :

About Me page preview by ShoutMeLoud

Now what you are waiting for, now it’s your turn to write about yourself because nobody knows about you better than yourself. So go ahead and write a professional looking about me page today.

Need more help regarding this, or any other things then feel free to ask in the comment sections below.

Thank you…

Sudipta Gupta

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