Digital Life,Entertainment,

Podcast or Vlog – Which one to choose?

Podcast or Vlog ? Which one to choose ?

Podcast is basically a audio file that can be found on the internet in the form of series. It is just audio means of communication like the audio clip of books and other audio related data.

Vlog is the combination of the both video & audio along with supporting texts,related images. It is audio-visual means of communication and is being popular throughout the world. Vlog includes our day to day life activities.

These communication means have become immense part of today’s life. People are involved in these sector as passion or profession also.

According to psychologist point of view people are attracted toward the visual impacts more than audio, so vlogging could be the best choice because it is audio-visual in format. Rather than listening only to something people loves to watch and listen something.

Imagine that you are listening to your friend but you actually can’t see him/her then how will it fell, in the same way sometime listening to podcast can be like that.


Vlog is easiest way of communication & sharing your views on a particular subject matter.Only few accessory and resources are required for vlogging. Since it is audio-visual process we just need good accessory that can boost audio & video to the optimum level like good camera and microphone. Anyone can start vlogging easily on any topic that should be relevant and informative & which they have deep knowledge.

Reason why you should choose Vlog :-

  1. Research / Findability
  2. Relationship
  3. Vlog into Podcast
  4. Entertaining

1. Research / Findability

Google prioritizes video in search

If you start doing vlog and upload your video’s on YouTube in regular basis then there is higher chances of your videos getting viral and reaching more targeted audience. Because after searching something on Google most of the people comes to YouTube to search on the same topic.

And even Google prioritizes YouTube videos on search results, due to this reason there is high chance of your video getting more numbers of views rather than the podcast & Google doesn’t show any podcast in the search result’s also.

2. Relationship

Good relation with viewers

In vlog there is a good relation of the vlogger with the viewers. There is eye to eye contact with the viewers in vlog due to which people loves to watch videos rather than listening only.

People gives more focus to those things which they can actually see and listen. Like if some is trying to live review on a mobile phone on Radio, there is less chances of people actually buying those things. But if anybody saw the same review on Television then there is high chances of people buying that mobile.

3. Vlog into Podcast

Vlog VS Podcast image - Webtopic

You can convert your video or vlog into a podcast, but you can’t convert your podcast into a vlog. So being able to transform from one format to another is really important and it can save your a lot of time also.

4. Entertaining

Entertaining - Webtopic

Vlogging is entertaining for both the viewers and vloggers themselves. Vlogging means capturing your day to day life style, sharing your knowledge on something with other person in the form of a video. But podcast is not similar, in podcast you just have to sit on a particular place and goes on talking about the thing you want to talk or taking with someone else.

Imagine that you just made a new friend on the internet, but you always have simple call with him/her but never have done video call, podcast is like listening to someone without seeing him/her.

Bonus reason :-

90% of content on the web will be video.

According to Google in 3 years, 90% of the content consumed on the web will be video.

But, vlogging is not that much easy you have thought. It is much more difficult than podcasting.

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  1. Good accessories
  2. Video editing
  3. Eye to eye contact
  4. Confident

1. Good accessories

Good accessories for vlog - Webtopic

If you really want to make a good vlog then different types of accessories are required for you to make a good and professional looking video. Accessories like good camera, micro-phone, light etc are required to make a good vlog.

2. Video editing

Video editing for Vlog - Webtopic

Video editing is a very important for a vlog. If you have good video with quality content but the editing of the video is not good then in some cases viewers may got disappointed. Like you haven’t showed the main part in the video or due to lack of good knowledge your video editing is not that much great then it will not be relevant to your viewers.

If you don’t know video editing or want to hire someone to do video editing for you then you can join Truelancer today and higher freelancers there who can do video editing for you.

3. Eye to eye contact

Eye to eye contact - Webtopic

Eye to eye contact is very very important in a vlog. You must have good eye to eye contact with your viewers in your video. Like someone is watching your video but you are looking somewhere else in the video but not actually to the lens of the camera then the viewer will think that he/ she is ignoring then and they will leave the video immediately, and you will lose your viewers.

4. Confident

Confident - Webtopic

While doing vlog you must be confident about what you are going to say, if you become shy while coming in front of camera then vlog can be really difficult for you. You must speak clearly and should do unnecessary thing on your video then only people will love to see it.


Comparison between Vlog & Podcast

Comparison Vlog Podcast
Competition 23M channel 500,000 channel
Research / Findability          ✔         ❌
Consumption         ❌          ✔
Relationship          ✔         ❌
Engagement          ✔         ❌
Trending          ✔         ❌

If you are beginner then you must go with vlog then later on you can do both vlog & podcast. Once you have good number of viewers then you could get success in podcast also along with vlog.

Hаvе a question аbоut Podcast or Vlog – Which one to choose? Lеt uѕ knоw іn thе comments section below!

Sudipta Gupta

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