Desktop,Digital Life,Internet

500+ Unique and Funny WiFi Password Ideas

Nowadays we can’t live without the Internet, that’s why; the majority of homes have a wifi network. As you know, after installing it, is necessary a password protect it, otherwise, if it is open, anyone in the neighborhood can have access to it. Without a doubt, the wifi password is very important.

Have you just installed the wifi network and do not know what password to add? We have the solution for you. Discover here the funniest wifi password ideas to troll your friends every time they ask for your wifi’s password.

Unique and Funny WiFi Password Ideas

  1. Momisnothere.
  2. Ibuysilver.
  3. Not suitable forolderpeople.
  4. PayforWi-Fi.
  5. Wi-Fiisnotyours.
  6. WiFidisconnected.
  7. Forbiddennet.
  8. Networknotavailable.
  9. Infestedmobile.
  10. Dangerousvirus.
  11. Trojanthreat.
  12. Networkoffline.
  13. WiFinotfound.
  14. Good afternoonneighbor.
  15. Freebeers.
  16. Searchingforwirelessnetwork.
  17. Denyaccess.
  18. InsecureWi-Fi.
  19. WarningFBI.
  20. Virusdetected.
  21. WiFidisabled.
  22. Potentialvirusdetected.
  23. GivemeWiFi.
  24. PayWi-Fiplease.
  25. LANunderdown.
  26. BoysgoneWireless.
  27. Spider-Laniscomingsoon.
  28. Networkonlyforwork.
  29. Wait!Setting-up.
  30. SearchmyWiFi.
  31. VoldemorttakesoverWiFi.
  32. Themagicnet.
  33. JKRowlingConnected.
  34. HomerSimpsonisinthehouse.
  35. It’salwaysBart’sfault.
  36. Theonethatiscoming!
  37. Fastandfuriousconnected.
  38. WithoutWiFithereisnoparadise.
  39. Lisaisalwaysright.
  40. Moe’sTavern.
  41. Idon’tknow.
  42. Hahaha.
  43. Idon’twantyou here.
  44. Youdon’tneedapassword.
  45. Itisnot working.
  46. My wifiisnotworking.
  47. Welcometomy house.
  48. Ican’ttellyou.
  49. 5timesX.
  50. Iloveyou.
  51. Doyoulove me?
  52. Iforgotmypassword.
  53. Idon’thave wifi.
  54. Nowififoryou.
  55. Pleasedon’task me.
  56. You are notwelcome.
  57. Iwillnottell you.
  58. Iwilltellyoulater.
  59. Youhaveto guess.
  60. Itisyourname.
  61. Itisnot secure.
  62. Youdon’tneedit.
  63. Youcan’tuse it.
  64. Idon’tcare.
  65. Callthepolice.
  66. Mordor’sdoor.
  67. You can’tenter.
  68. Paymeforit.
  69. Jesusiswatching you.
  70. I likeyoursister.
  71. I likeyourbrother.
  72. Yoursisterismine.
  73. Yourbrotherismine.
  74. Thisisnotahotel.
  75. Youdonot deserveit.
  76. Youwillneverknow.
  77. Icannot tellyou.
  78. Thepassword is.
  79. Thepasswordisnotapassword.
  80. Thepasswordisnotshared.
  81. Whatyoudoisillegal.
  82. VladimirRoutin.
  83. Idonotknowyou.
  84. HogwartsWi-FiLounge.
  85. ChangetheRouter.
  86. Youwillnotcovetyourneighbor’sWi-Fi.
  87. Asisterneverforgets.
  88. Winternetiscoming.
  89. It’snotagoodidea.
  90. Youowemeabeer.
  91. TouchmeI’mhot.
  92. Youarecrazy.
  93. Donoteventry.
  94. Mywifiissleeping.
  95. Donotbotherme.
  96. Doyouwanttostealmywifi?
  97. Icannottrustyou.
  98. Alwayswiththesamestory.
  99. Youareveryannoying.
  100. Whatdoyouhaveonyourface?
  101. Ineedmoney.
  102. Inexchangefor?
  103. WelcometoHell.
  104. Goodluckwiththat.
  105. You’realiar.
  106. Ialreadytoldyou.
  107. Stoptalking.
  108. Stopasking.
  109. 1dollarperhour.
  110. Mywifiisgoingtoexplode.
  111. Thereisnoroomforyou.
  112. Getoutofmyhouse.
  113. Whatdoespasswordmean?
  114. Idon’tlikeyourvisit.
  115. Idonotlikeyou.
  116. Whatisthetasteofsalt?
  117. Wi-Fiis mine.
  118. Okaynoproblem.
  119. Youhavearrived late.
  120. I willnevertellyou.
  121. Thereisnoconnection.
  122. Just10 minutes.
  123. Youarenotagoodperson.
  124. Idon’tlikepeoplelike you.
  125. Pleasewashyourhands.
  126. Please waitafewminutes.
  127. Sayhellotome.
  128. Whatwasyourname?
  129. Where youcomefrom?
  130. SayhelloinJapanese.
  131. Youdon’tneedit.
  132. Useyourmind.
  133. Useyourimagination.
  134. Itisnotfunny.
  135. You are adealer.
  136. Peopletalkaboutyou.
  137. Wi-Fidoesnotexist.
  138. IdonothaveWIFI.
  139. Sorryitdoesnotwork.
  140. Sorry Ican’ttellyou.
  141. I willnevershareitwith you.
  142. Ouranniversary date.
  143. Itismybirthday.
  144. Youhaveto go.
  145. Pleasenevercomeback.
  146. Iamherefor you.
  147. Don’tletme go.
  148. Youareverysweet.
  149. Everythingfor you.
  150. Iamfreefor you.
  151. You areatroll.
  152. I amatroll.
  153. Itisasecret.
  154. PlanetoftheApes.
  155. You havetopayforit.
  156. Itisnotfor you.
  157. It’shardtounderstand.
  158. You shouldstayaway.
  159. Iwillcallthe police.
  160. Thinkwisely.
  161. This isatrap.
  162. Idon’ttrustyou.
  163. Youshouldsayplease.
  164. Sayplease.
  165. Saycheese.
  166. TheworstWi-Fiintheworld.
  167. Nobodylives here.
  168. Payyourownwifi.
  169. The passwordisinyourheart.
  170. NofreeWiFiaroundhere.
  171. Nottoday.
  172. Itisnotpublic.
  173. Payanduse.
  174. Let’stry later.
  175. I willtellyourmother.
  176. Cookfor me.
  177. Invitemetogoout.
  178. Donotlookatmelikethat.
  179. Areyoucomfortable?
  180. SantaClauslives here.
  181. Igetlostinthedepthofyourgaze.
  182. I donothavebattery.
  183. Dumbwhoreadsit.
  184. Sexybrunette.
  185. Theneighborhoodbaker.
  186. Idon’tunderstandyou.
  187. Ohmygod.
  188. Ohmygosh.
  189. Youjustwantwifi.
  190. You shouldwork.
  191. Iamnotready.
  192. Givemesome food.
  193. WhyshouldI?
  194. Iknowwhereyoulive.
  195. Mywifiistoomuchfor you.
  196. Doyouwanttoeat?
  197. Ifyouwereaproduct, whatwouldyourslogan be?
  198. Howwouldyoutrytoseduceme?
  199. Anunspeakablefantasy.
  200. Whatwouldyoudoifyouwonthelottery?
  201. Donottouchmywifi.
  202. Thereareantsinyour tea.
  203. Donotlookat me.
  204. Nothingisfreeinthislife.
  205. Andwhoare you?
  206. Thinkalittleb it.
  207. 12345678
  208. pussingwound
  209. icanttel you
  210. ineedapassword
  211. samantha
  212. amateur
  213. Mercedes
  214. teamynsexy69
  215. change me
  216. Zxc1234
  217. 1111111
  218. secret
  219. iamforgetful
  220. abcd123
  221. memory sucks
  222. earlyalzheimers
  223. chromeful
  224. doubleclick
  225. newpassword
  226. jesuswenis
  227. YourMusicIsAnnoying
  228. ShutYourDogUpAlready
  229. cludAlly
  230. beautifulbitch
  231. IamACompleteIdiot
  232. youmoron
  233. i8urfa8
  234. OnlyforGirls
  235. BillWitheScienceFi
  236. ZeldaaLinksystothePast
  237. IHazWifi
  238. PickUpYourDogCrap
  239. Tonystark’s Network
  240. I BelieveWiCanFi
  241. WheretheWildPingsAre
  242. WhamBamThankYouLAN
  243. ClickHereto Download
  244. INowPronounceYouManandWifi
  245. Connected,Secured
  246. Router?IHardlyKnew Her
  247. WhoPoopedinthePool
  248. ErmahgerdWeFer
  249. WeareVirus
  250. ThisnotForPublic
  251. NoWiFi4you
  252. IPsteadyStreams
  253. The PromisedLAN
  254. TheLANBeforeTime
  255. LANofMilkandHoney
  256. TheLANoftheFree
  257. UseYourOwnNetwork%1
  258. NSAlisteningPost
  259. DontEvenTry2Hack!
  260. NoMoreMisterWiFi
  261. Default
  262. IdontLikey@urass
  263. Traffic Sniffer
  264. NSADrone#3
  265. getoffmyLAN
  266. ThisLANIsMyLAN
  267. ThisLANisYourLAN
  268. avengersnetworks
  269. SentyourBirthCertificateforWiFi
  270. 99problemsbutwifiintone
  271. VirusInfected@2PM
  272. Wi-FightWhenWeCanMakeLove
  273. I’mnotSingle
  274. Move On
  275. ARouterofIceandFire
  276. TheWhompingWi-Fi
  277. pleasewait4sometime
  278. WinterWonderLAN
  279. HomelandSecurity
  280. DesperateHouseWiFi
  281. internetfromAsgard
  282. TitanicSyncing
  283. Untrusted Network
  284. No internet access
  285. Networkis2Slow@
  286. Pentagon
  287. TellMyWifiLoveHer
  288. UnprotectedCex@18
  289. IPaLot
  290. JumpontheBandwidth
  291. GoGo RouterRangers
  292. SlowerthanYoMomma
  293. Don’tHackmyWife
  294. WiFiOfThanos
  295. WhyuWantPassword?
  296. freewifi
  297. Wi-fiisComing
  298. SendmePizzaforWifi
  299. nothing
  300. nothingagain
  301. facebookboo
  302. babajikathullu
  303. dryhump
  304. OOHAHAH!
  305. iforgot
  306. pwnz0red
  307. ninnypants
  308. FBISurveillanceVan
  309. whydoalwaysforget
  310. ithinkican
  311. ithoughticould
  312. QWERTY
  313. asdf
  314. mypsychoex
  315. jewishnipple
  316. aspls
  317. user
  318. ShitHead1
  319. run away
  320. YouWontGuessThis One
  321. PasswordShmashword
  322. DecRedRy
  323. gorving
  324. turkey01
  325. pwnedyou
  326. mississippi
  327. iloveu
  328. iamnottellingyoumypw
  329. masterpassword
  330. adolftheclown
  331. hairygrandma
  332. yetanotherpassword
  333. nomorepasswords
  334. dog
  335. sharkbait
  336. passwordshmassword
  337. aStRoIsh
  338. passwordforoldpeople
  339. chainsawwedding
  340. dopeydon’tgetmine
  341. shoveit
  342. veryslowinternet
  343. PleaseWait…
  344. AmishRebel
  345. PayforWi-Fi
  346. 77777777
  347. Nowyouseeme…
  348. payanduse
  349. Shutting Down
  350. 0000000000
  351. ThisisnotFree
  352. harley
  353. $10perhour
  354. SearchingforGF
  355. Wi-FiFever
  356. comingsoon!
  357. Nointernetaccess
  358. OpenSesame
  359. Letthemuse it
  360. jewishnipple
  361. fluffy72Is2Short
  362. GoGoInternetGadget
  363. Don’t Snoop
  364. WiFi@40$dPH
  365. yeoldinternet
  366. matthew
  367. notworking
  368. pornonly@007
  369. LifeontheLine
  371. Jordan
  372. DontEvenTry2Hack!
  373. payanduse
  374. hackerhere
  375. Wi-FIFoFum
  376. netgear
  377. UnprotectedCex@18
  378. Connection timed out
  379. Robert
  380. I am18@loveyou
  381. Network is down
  382. IStalkYou
  383. Useit@yourrisk*0
  384. asshole
  385. WioftheFiger
  386. Networkis2Slow@
  387. PrinterOnly
  388. Adolfthe clown
  389. I’mwatchingyou
  390. giving
  391. yeoldinternet
  392. wait4sometime@
  393. pleaseuseme
  394. 143@ILUILU
  395. GrEssatE
  396. ILoveyoumywifi
  397. Wi-Fi
  398. pwned you
  399. Nacho Wi-Fi
  400. 1234
  401. infected wifi
  402. Bring Bear&Women
  403. CallMeDarling
  404. Wi-Fi
  405. Default
  406. NoWiFi4you
  407. SwitchOnWIFI
  408. 654321
  409. russianhackers
  410. sharkbait
  411. password1
  412. networkerror
  413. Ithinkcan
  414. needforspeed
  415. TheyRWatching
  416. 2BBlue
  417. pornlover
  418. Useatyourown risk
  419. turkey01
  420. giglepig
  421. teamynsexy69
  422. jordan23
  423. GetOffmyLan
  424. harley
  425. hairyback
  426. letthemuseit
  427. wirelessgangbang
  428. chromeful
  429. Useatyourownrisk
  430. CallMeMaybe
  431. cadet
  432. 123neverguess
  433. PrettyFlyforaWi-Fi
  434. Babudee
  435. monkeys
  436. GetYour Own
  437. FBI SurveillanceVan
  438. pulsingwound
  439. AAMeeting
  440. Freefor1day
  441. mypassword
  442. Hogsmeade
  443. shoveit
  444. UmbrellaCorporation
  445. Doesn’tMatter
  446. PinkLadies
  447. OnlyforPorn
  448. Daily Bread
  449. WifiArtThou Romeo
  450. Iam hungry
  451. turkey02
  452. NotWorking
  453. BillWi,theScienceFi
  454. Iforgotagain
  455. FeelLikeFlying
  456. runaway
  457. LoadingWait Please
  458. area51
  459. Insertkeyhere
  460. NotAvailable
  461. Pleasetryagain.
  462. It’satrap!
  463. i12kissu
  464. wutanglan
  465. WiFi
  466. JoinMyBandwidth
  467. busters
  468. aStRoIsh
  469. pokemononly
  470. byteme
  471. RickRolled
  472. Karen’sNetwork
  473. gojihad
  474. WillYouMarryMe
  475. SweetVictory
  476. hacker’shaven
  477. Get YourOwnWi-Fi
  478. TalkLess,Workmore
  479. virus-free
  480. First-timecex
  481. ConnectionLost
  482. TotalHear
  483. pleaseuseme
  484. NoWi-FiForYou
  485. Hackme
  486. FeelLikeFlying
  487. ForPornUseOnly
  488. VirusInfectedWiFi
  489. GetOffMyLawn
  490. Getlosta$$h0le
  491. BringBeerandWomenforme
  492. AllChutiyaConnectThis
  493. MomUseThisOne
  494. LOL
  495. GoHomeTourists
  496. Fuckoff
  497. BuyAnotherCupYouCheapSkate
  498. MyOwnDamnInternet
  499. GetyourOwnWi-FiFuckHead
  500. Don’teventryit
  501. GotoHell
  502. PasswordisPassword
  503. Circuit
  504. I will Killyou
  505. Yourgrammarismoreannoying
  506. MyNeighborsSuck
  507. GetYourOwnetBro
  508. Topsecretnetwork
  509. BondageClub
  510. ProhibitedArea
  511. C:Virus.exe
  512. ConnectandDie
  513. You’redonenow
  514. BBkivines
  515. Bob’sUnsecuredHouseofWifi
  516. Yourmusicisannoying
  517. Comeandcleanupmyhouse
  518. IamtheInternet
  519. ThisisMyNumber9234727312
  520. CarryMinati
  521. LookMa,NoWires!
  522. WirelessGangBang
  523. EntertheDragon’sNetwork
  524. NoFreeINternetHereKeep Looking
  525. KeepitontheDownload
  526. OnceSee Back
  527. ILoveyoumy wifi
  528. Dropit like itsHotspot
  529. YouLost YourConnection
  530. Dhinchak Poojafan
  531. Shutyour FuckingDogUp
  532. Ha Ha next timelockyour router
  533. Dunder-Mifflin
  534. Youare mycrush
  535. John’s full name inCAPS, nospace
  536. I m theking oftheworld
  537. Wi-Fight theinevitable
  538. 99problemsbut WiFi ain’tone
  539. Wu-TangLAN
  540. Shakenshaken
  541. Child Toucher
  542. Pennygetyourown wifi
  543. You cancall me misterTIBBS!
  544. SweetAdelinefor you
  545. STFUbitch
  546. All YourBandwidthBelong to theUS
  547. Fastenyourseatbelts
  548. OptimusPrime
  549. Skynet GlobalDefenseNetwork
  550. It’s gonnabe a bumpynight
  551. Mom,ClickHere for theInternet
  552. You completeme
  553. Therewill beblood
  554. Give me10,000
  555. KungFuPanda
  556. Drop it like it’sHotspot
  557. Occam’sRouter
  558. Hide YourKidsHide YourWiFi
  559. This is NotFreeEither
  560. Your house ismine
  561. I drinkyourmilkshake
  562. HackIf YouCan
  563. Dareto useit
  564. To useitbring booze
  565. ClickHere ToBrick YourPhone
  566. Please stopyour barkingdog
  567. I know youwant mywifi
  568. I don’tlikeGangBang
  569. The DarkKnet
  570. U arenot perfect
  571. TotalHear
  572. This is the deep web
  573. You are toocheap
  574. I don’t know how to sayno
  575. Don’ttouch mydaughter
  576. I canhear youhavingsex
  577. Youshould knock onthe door first
  578. Kamasutra
  579. Iam your dady
  580. I am your sugardaddy
  581. I am your sugar mommy
  582. I amyour mommy
  583. Wrong question
  584. Don’t say itagain
  585. Thepassword is not safe
  586. Passwordninja
  587. You don’t deserveit
  588. Askyour mother first
  589. Your whatsapp number
  590. Just funny names for you

We hope you liked this funny wifi password list, now, choose yours and troll your friends!

Sudipta Gupta

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