Digital Marketing,Inspiration & Creativity

8 Creative Steps to Make Awesome Email Address Ideas

8 Creative Steps to Make Awesome Email Address Ideas-min

An email address is an identity your business carries wherever it goes. An email address is a tool for communication between business professionals and their clients, college students and their teachers, online shoppers and their vendors, employees and employers, and between business partners.

Awesome Email Address Ideas

With a good email address, you can get the credibility of your business and it. Your email address is like a pass card for your business or brand, it tells your client a thousand words about your proposal when presented well. It is advisable to carefully pick a professional kind of email address you would want to share with companies, business partners, schools, and organizations.

Getting an email address can be done by you at your own convenience anywhere in the world, and you don’t need to pay any amount of money to create your own email address.

1. What to consider when choosing an email address?

It Must Be Simple to Remember

Make sure the email address you are considering using will not be difficult for people to remember.

Awesome Email Address Ideas

Most times errors that come with spelling one’s email address is common among business partners and this can prevent a long-time business deal you have planned for because instead of a company trying so hard to get used to your email address, they will look for someone else with a simpler email address they can remember and deal with.

It Should Be Easy to Pronounce

Awesome Email Address Ideas
Awesome Email Address Ideas

When you have a business meeting with someone and your email address is presented, make sure it is something that can easily be pronounced by the person. The person should be able to pronounce and write your email address without asking questions of, if it is written well or not or require further explanation from you.

Coming up With Your Own Domain Name

Awesome Email Address Ideas

Domain names are a very important factor in an email address and using service providers like Gmail is always recommended because of their constant update more than any other service provider. Your choice of the domain can explain better how your business looks to the public.

Why You Should Have Your Own Domain Name?

There is a myriad of reasons as to why you should have your own domain name, and out of which, the following can be noted –

  1. It gives a professional business look.
  2. It gives your business credibility.
  3. It guides your business against trademarks and copyrights.
  4. It draws attention to your business, thereby creating awareness.

2. What Is the Format of a Professional Email Address?

All email address has different format but the format of a professional email address should be like this –

Combination of name

Awesome Email Address Ideas
  1. A combination of your first name initial plus your last name – first name initial+last name = TLucas.
  2. Combination of your first name plus middle name and your last name – first-name+ Middle-name + Last-name=JackThompsonLucas
  3. A combination of your first name, middle name initial and your last name – first name+middle name initial+last name=JackTLucas
  4. Combination of last name plus first name – last name+first name=LucasJack
  5. Combining your nickname and your last name – nickname+last name=ThomsLucas
  6. Using your first name initial plus your middle name initial and your last name – first name initial+middle name initial+last name= JTLucas.
  7. Combining your first name initial plus your middle name initial plus your last name initial – first name initial+middle name initial+last name initial=JTL
  8. Combination of your first name and your last name initial – first name+last name initial=JackL

Modification of your name

Awesome Email Address Ideas

In this part, if your name has been used by someone else or the spelling of your name is too long for you to write then you don’t have to panic, just follow the step below to get your name shortened –

  1. Using a short method: JacLuk.
  2. Using shortened middle name method: JackThomLucas.

Using the inverted name method

Awesome Email Address Ideas

This is necessary if you discover your first name and last name combination has been used by someone else. Then, you will be left with an option of last name plus first name initial and middle name initial.

  1. Last-name+first name initial+middle name initial=LucasJT
  2. Last-name+First-name+Middle-name initial = LucasJackT

Including your qualification

Awesome Email Address Ideas

This is advisable and looks professional when your job is related to what you do.

  1. WORK TITLE + YOUR NAME =  BarJack
  2. USING A JOB TITLE ONLY: WebDeveloper

Using your qualification plus your name

This is recommended when you are a partner with a well-known organization. Like JackLucasLtd.

Including your location

Awesome Email Address Ideas

It is advisable you include your area or location to enable you to create publicity for your business. Or if you have a big and well-recognized company, it will be good to attach your location to your email address.

  1. Your name + your city = JackLucasIsland
  2. Your name+ your State= JackLucasLagos
  3. Your first name+ your company = JackPhdLtd
  4. Your complete name plus your company =JackThompsonLucasPhdLtd
  5. Your company plus your city= PhdLtdLagos

Using your domain name

Awesome Email Address Ideas
  1. Using your first name plus your last
  2. Using your first name initial plus your last name=
  3. Using your first name plus your last name initial=
  4. Using your first name only =
  5. Using your last name plus your first name =
  6. Using an underscore to separate your name for example: or

3. How to Select a Good Email Address Name for Your Business Growth?

Having a good email address for your business can result in the growth of your business as well as give your brand an outstanding impression before the general public. Below are some guides that you can follow to achieve a good email address name for your business –

  1. Having a business name – The first step is to have a name for your business, having your own business name makes your company special.
  1. Attach “official” immediately after your business name – Most times our business name will be difficult or unavailable on the list of names available when creating an email for our business.

To avoid such scenarios, it is advisable to add the word ‘official’ immediately after our business name.

Like,,, or; using these examples, your business email name will look professional and presentable.

Are there any email address alternatives for info@email?

As we all know, creating a business address name will always require us to select an email like the info@email address which is popular everywhere.

But there are few alternatives to the info@email address which is –

  1. Using your first name as the owner of your company, like
  2. Using a joint email address in a company that involves more than two people. For example –
  3. Using a billing address for brands that have different segments. Like this
  4. Using what you do to create a good email address name like is another good alternative which clearly states that you are a business man or woman.
  5. Using your communication skills mostly for organizations with customer care representatives, the is a good alternative to the info@ email address, where you can get the attention of your customers and let them know they are in contact with the right person.
  6. Using your office role like will explain to visitors or business partners who they are in touch with.

4. How to Select a Professional Email Address Names for Job Search?

The email address we have for personal use, business, and branding are different from the email address; we should have when seeking for a job. Do not forget that your email address is representative of who you are and what your brand is all about.

An email address that is not well written can reduce your chance of getting that desired job. Here are a few things to have in mind when creating an email address with the intention of seeking a job.

Awesome Email Address Ideas
  1. Make sure you use your real name. Do not abbreviate your name and don’t use nicknames. If your name is not available, then try other service providers like Proton Mail, Outlook,, and Yahoo.
  1. Make sure you attach your qualification to your email address. With this, you get a high chance of getting a positive response in response to your job search.

5. How to Select a Good Email Address?

Awesome Email Address Ideas

So many questions have been asked on how to select a good email address name, and in this article, we will be listing out a few points that will help you when making your choice of a good email address.

  1. Use the name format idea – You should begin by using the name format idea that is your first name plus your last name. Or your first name, an underscore or hyphen plus your last name. Check out these examples –

With these examples above, you should be able to select a good email address name for yourself.

  1. Use the name initial format – You can use the format of name initials. The format is –
  1.  First name initial plus your last name. 
  2. Your last name plus your first name.
  3. Your first name initial plus your last name with an underscore or hyphen or a dot plus your last name.

Here is a simple explanation with examples to help you with this format:

  1. Use the appropriate prefix or suffix – Use an appropriate prefix and suffix for your email address name to make it look professional and presentable. Ways to prefix and suffix your email address name include –
  2. Initializing your first and last name plus your full name, or your complete name plus the initials of your first and last name. An instance of using prefix is ‘jl’ which will result in,
  3. Prefix or suffix the name of your business place, school, or the name of your city.
  4. Use prefixes with regard to your Gender or profession, like Mrs, Mr, and Miss. And also based on your profession you are expected to use ‘ca’ in place of chartered, ‘er’ in place of engineer, ‘adv’ in place of advocate, and ‘doc’– in place of doctor.

Some examples are –

Are there any email address alternatives for sales@?

To achieve more growth in your business, it is better to attach what you do to your email address name.

Awesome Email Address Ideas

For instance, if you are a car dealer, it is advisable to use an email address name that tells people about the car dealing business for example; This speaks more volume about what you do than just using a simpler email address name like sales@ email address which doesn’t say anything about what you do or what a client should expect from you.

If you are a graphic designer, you can use an address like which is self-explanatory about what you do.

6. How to select a unique Email Names for your Email Address?

Choosing a good professional email name is very necessary for companies and organizations or brands. But one thing we should be aware of is that all professional emails must have their own domain name such as

Awesome Email Address Ideas

However, before you can achieve such a domain name, you need to buy a domain name with your company’s name. There are sites where you can buy a domain name within a few minutes without wasting or delaying your time, sites as HostGator, GoDaddy, BlueHost, and NameCheap. The reason why it is important to have your own domain name is that with your domain name, you can create your professional email address name and also for your company.

7. What Should You Consider When Creating an Email Address?

Awesome Email Address Ideas
  • Good Email Service Provider – Every email address must be registered under a service provider like, etc. While choosing a service provider you need to choose carefully.
  • Professional Username – Having a responsible and professional username sounds easy but needs critical thinking. Username is like your identity so you need to think about the username you intend using before starting an email address.
  • Add Your Profession – Most times it is advisable to add your profession to your username and this will help you get the desired username you intend using.
  • Adding Your Educational Qualification – Including your educational qualification or any of your professional skills is a good example of a creative email address.
  • Adding Your Place of Work – This exact idea of adding your place of work is a good example of a unique email address. Attaching your workplace is like telling what you do and it will help expose your business name to the world.
  • Name Modification – You can modify your name if you feel like your name is too long or big for an email address. Names can be shortened to fit your desired name.
  • Keywords – It is very important to attach keywords that will describe your business, brand or organizations.
  • Easy to Spell – Make your email address easy to pronounce, this will make it possible to avoid spelling errors when given to clients or business partners.
  • Use a. Com Domain – This is the most preferred choice of domain name and it is easier to remember.
  • Do Not Use Double Letters – Avoid the use of double letters because it makes email addresses difficult to pronounce.
  • Do Not Include Hyphen and Special Symbols – Email addresses should be easy, simple, memorable, and understandable. Including a hyphen or special symbols makes it hard and difficult to spell.

8. What Things Should You Not Include in an Email Address?

Awesome Email Address Ideas
  • Avoid using numbers in your email address.
  • Avoid the use of random words because it makes your email look less professional.
  • Never use your partner’s name. In creating an email address, make sure the information you provide are your real details.
  • It is not advisable to use an email name generator for your email address. Think of the name you want to use before getting started.
  • Avoid short forms that are meaningless.
  • Avoid using your date of birth in your email address name.

What Are the Parts of a Good Email Address?

  • The name – The name is the first part of an email address and it is very important.
  • The @ symbol – This part will be provided to you during the process of your email address creation.
  • The domain – This is the last part of an email address and it is mostly a custom domain.

What Are the Qualities of a Good Professional Email Address? (Email Address Ideas)

  • It should be simple.
  • It should be memorable.
  • It should be short and easy.
  • It should be pronounceable.
  • It should be trustworthy.
  • It should be unambiguous.
  • It should be familiar.
  • It should be adjective-free such as pretty, handsome, beautiful, hot, cool, and sweet.
  • It should represent your personality.
  • Nicknames should be avoided.

Having a professional email address is a step to having business proposals from different companies, organizations, and brands. It tells whoever comes across your email what your business is all about, and what you can offer as an individual and a professional, thus, ensuring them that you are the best fit for the desired position in their company.

Sudipta Gupta

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